

8:10:00 PM

Did you know you are adored? To love is to admire with the heart and to admire is to love with the mind (so said Theophile Gautier). God adores you. He longs to lift you and He longs to walk alongside of you. He covers you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet and He never leaves your side.

This is something I am teaching my children. Each and every day to follow and walk alongside the Lord. To remember that they are never alone. He is with you in the easy and with the hard. I don't know about you but for me it is a constant need of reminding. You would think as we get older we could and would grow out of this. But, with childlike faith...this never changes and that is why as an adult, as a young adult and as an adolescent we must take the time to be in His word. So we get the reminders in a big (or subtle) way.

My daughter is reading Adored: 365 Devotions for Young Women. Each day has a bible verse and then breaks it down in a way that they can understand. A way to lift them. It gives her things to think about and then even lines to journal her own thoughts in if she likes. I love that this is a simple way for her to be led to the cross. Lord, lead us to the cross. Help us to raise our children to walk in your ways, Lord. Yahweh, help us to bring them to you.

I am excited that one of you has a chance to win a copy of your own! As always, you must be at least 18 years of age or older and a U.S. resident. It's simple, enter below.

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  1. What a beautiful devotional!!!

  2. This devotional looks gorgeous! I’ve been looking for one that is relevant (and also pretty!) for my 7 yo daughter!

  3. Always appreciate positive food for my soul to start or end the day.
