
The Answer

8:45:00 PM

What IS the answer? Do we have one? Wait...what was the question...might sound petty but that is pretty much how my brain reacts these days. There is so much heartache and pain going on around us. The debates. The he said/she said. Families being torn apart. Mockery. Judgement and gossip. Worlds falling apart. Destruction and natural disasters. How are you handling it all? I have so many friends that have decided to do a social media break. In fact one today said she would much rather be naive about the world she lives in than to hear and see the negativity. I give major props to her as I get it and FULLY understand why. 

For me I have been trying to fill that area of shock, with Jesus. I am doing a bible study on Romans right now and it is deep. Let me tell you it has been so flipping eye opening and jaw droppingly makes you aware of what you are, what you have done and who you want to become. I am choosing to focus on what I am channeling into the world and ears of my children. I don't want to be self seeking instead I want to find my hope and redemption in Jesus. Jeremy Camp has a BRAND NEW album out called The Answer and songs like, 'Tell the Whole World' have me nodding and lifting my hands in praise.

I love that Jeremy's response to everything going on around us is simple. His answer, Jesus. Can I get an Amen?!

Here is your chance to win your very own copy of J-dog's CD! Trust me you will have it blaring and bumping it's bass just like I do! I am SO cool. Jesus thinks so!

Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255: " Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising") Many thanks to Propeller Consulting LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post

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