
Faith & Fellowship link up: Spirit lead me...

12:00:00 AM

OK, first off I am a sap. As I have spent this week contemplating on what I will write to you today. I am rarely at a loss for words but for some reason I felt...held back. I find myself praying over and over, "Spirit, lead me. Help me to share your truth, wisdom and divine grace. Spirit lead me." Then it clicked...

What does your heart say about you? How do we even know the answer to the question? What are the words that your mouth is speaking? Our mouths are a window to our hearts. Your mouth speaks what your heart is full of. God's word gives us instruction to take heart and obey. Speak life giving words every chance you get. To do this we need to remove the negativity.

Ephesians 4:17-32 teaches us to not live with a hardened heart. But first we need to be made new. "Be renewed in the spirit of your mind and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth."

I got a phone call from a friend the other day. A friend I look up to dearly in all things "God". But this phone call was her calling to ask ME questions about my relationship with my Mom in love. You see we are apparently an anomaly. I have a strong relationship with her. For me I have never second guessed this. Yes, we have our hiccups every now and then. But she is my confidante. When I married my husband this included his family as much as people try to deny. They are my forever family and I adore her. She asked me what I thought were a common reason for people having "mother in law issues". I told her its because people take too much time being selfish when they need to look inside and be selfless. It takes prayer, trial and hopefully little to no error. Do not sin out of anger. Peace makers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness {James 3:17-18} why should your mom in loves be any different?

Be child like. Not in a bratty, tantruming terrible 3 year old way...but with child like heart. Full of love and life. Find your strength in HIS presence. I know...this topic may come off goofy to some or you may be saying I don't have one, so no worries. But really this rings truth in every aspect of our lives. In order to show that you are wise and that you are understanding we must first take into account our actions. Especially our deeds done in humility. As its this humility that brings wisdom. From this wisdom we grow in maturity.

I read in She Reads Truth one time that a happy heart makes the face cheerful...heartache crushes the spirit. We must speak graciously, as these words are pure in his sight. The Lord hears the prayers of the righteous.

We are made imperfect for a reason. But through our trials and our tribulations comes freedom. Freedom in the knowing we are called to do greater things. What can you do today to honor someone else. Be selfless? It could be as simple as a smile or a random cup of coffee. Go out. Be a blessing and know that you are loved!

Now HURRY! Read about the link up below:

It's that time again - time for us to join together as a body of Christ and get to know and encourage our sisters in Christ!  Link up any and all posts you've written in this past week (or dig into your archives!) that are an encouragement for the Christian community!  I can't wait to read your testimonies, find out what God's doing in your life, or learn what you're learning in your quiet time!

Faith and Fellowship Guidelines
1.  Link up a post (not just the link to your blog) from the week that shares what the Lord's been doing in your life or speaking to you.
2.  Put the button on your blog post or blog so that others can hear about this wonderful group of Godly women.
3.  Visit as many blogs as you're able and get to know your sisters in Christ!
4.  Share this blog hop on social media using #faithandfellowship or pin the button on pinterest.

Simple Moments Stick

Your Host:

Susannah from Simple Moments Stick

Your Cohosts:

Aleisha from Britches and Boots  //    Britney & Hillary from The Quiet Place

If you'd like to cohost in the future, please email Susannah at susannah.kellogg (at) gmail.com

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