
Making Math FUN!

9:47:00 PM

This journey called parenthood is so delightful in many ways but dang, what is it about homework? You would think that in the time since I was a kid they would have figured out some NEW innovative way to get our kids excited and eager to actually get the dreaded "H" done! Well...I can help with the math part!! To be honest it was always my worst subject in school, uh, hellooooo ART MAJOR! My kids have to log in a certain amount of "math" each night on their homework sheet. The neat thing is they get to decide whether it's flashcards, homework sheets or even...math games.

My boy has Dysgraphia and struggles with written homework, but when he does things utilizing media he does pretty well. I downloaded the app Pyramid by MobilityWare and we have been having a blast (OK I have been playing it a ton!) seeing who can get the best score matching cards to make a total of 13. The King is an automatic 13. Queen equals 12, Jack equals 11 and then Ace is just 1. You are adding cards up by stacking them on top of each other and creating combinations that total up to the number 13. For him it has been great as if he gets stuck the game will flash "deal" to have him draw another card so he can keep going, meaning there are not any combos available.

We are using our brains, working on combinations for math skills and having fun at the same time. I am always looking for options to create a fun atmosphere where he can learn and not feel frustrated by reading. He is a very visual learner and he is getting faster!

Personally I have been obsessively playing while laying in bed pretending I am making a phone call. Phone call is code for "mama alone time". Bed, cats, coffee and a cozy blanket and mama is in her happy place.

Dysgraphia is tricky and finding ways to make what is typically the mundane is hard to come by. This has helped us tremendously as it is instilling confidence and making learning fun again. I am hoping it will help in your house too!

This post is sponsored by MobilityWare but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

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