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My promise for tomorrow is in Jesus. Faith can and will break diversity. It will tear down walls of shame, guilt, hurt. Your life can and will be forever changed.

I have many friends that are Pastors. One of the hardest thing I notice about these friends, is that they are always there for others to make sure that their hope and trust is with Jesus. They put their own feelings aside, the push the rude comments or anger from others away to make way for something that is clear and concise for you. This is not easy. Pastors, chaplains...they are fundamentally built the same way as you or I, but sadly do not always get treated as such. They are "meant" to be strong, resilient and have all of the eternal answers to your worldly questions.

I come from a military family. Many have served, fought and spent time in places they care to never relive. Many friends are still in the military and watching them navigate what is considered normal life, vs. career is hard. Let alone being a spouse or child of someone who is sent overseas. Many of my friends have come back, but I have also lost a few dear friends and seen many more come home wounded. This is me, as a bystander, not as a family member, wife/husband or child.

Watching the NEW movie Indivisible truly hit my heart strings. It makes you think and you can see what struggles are portrayed so perfectly in those that are serving for our freedom. The movie was very well written and the acting was superb. Like, helloooooo...you take 3 of my favorite characters from some well known T.V. show based out of Seattle, full of doctors. Put them together in a movie where you feel as though you already know them personally and BAM. All the feelers!

Indivisible is a TRUE STORY (cue the tears!) of an Army Chaplain and his wife: one family...under God... Movie will be released October 26, 2018

I want to send you and your spouse on a date. Hold hands, bring tissues and just the two of you enjoy the movie Indivisible. You must be 18 or older to enter and a U.S. resident. Winner will receive 2 fandango movie ticket codes.

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