After school snack

The itsy bitsy spider with Mini Babybel cheese

10:02:00 PM

First off, thank you to Mini Babybel as you helped me feed the hunger within on my wee ones after school. The kids and I love to get creative with our food. We are always looking for healthy after school snacks or on the go items we can toss in our bag as we are heading out the door. Target has a great deal on these bad boys through the end of the month, so I couldn't help but partake in fun HALLOWEEN THEMED (notice I am yelling...yes I am that excited) ones and the Mini Babybel Light for ma'self.

The kids and I get a little overly excited for holidays. Especially holiday themed packaging. What can we say we are a sucker for cute! With Mini Babybel being 100% cheese it is a great source of calcium and protein for my hungry little hooligans when we walk in the door.

For today's after school snack we used the items you see above. Watch the video and see us in action! My kids love to help and this was a simple, fun and creative way to eat a healthy snack. Click HERE for more ideas. 

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