Do you ever pick up a book and think to yourself...wait did I write this? Flipping it over to make sure your picture isn't on the back?! Seriously I related on so many levels with Jen Wilkin. Her words were sarcastic, funny and poignant. She starts out her book by telling us how she would have punched you in the face 5 years ago, had you told her she would sit down and write a book for Christian woman. I let out a snort and giggle as I took another bite of my donut {doesn't everyone eat donuts and read books?!}
I think the thing I loved the most is it wasn't a "religious thumping" book. You know the ones, you nod off while you start to read a page. You wake up and almost dread reading on. NOT because you don't want to learn more about God. But because the words that were written on the pages were not resonating within you. They weren't relatable.
I long to learn more about God. I lean on the longing to draw closer to Him. Truly just as the title reads, there really is None Like Him. I love how Jen breaks down 10 attributes of God. She draws you deeper in such an inciteful and longing sort of way. I couldn't wait to get to the end of the chapter so I could scribble my notes in my journal and process the words I just read.
As I sat and read, I reflected on my own deceitfulness. My sinful ways. Let me be the first to tell you that my closet is not clean. My innermost self is full of insecurities. I am not perfect, I am not pure of heart and truly I believe no one is. There is but 1 and only 1. He is omnipotent. He is omnipresent and He is all knowing. I cast my doubts, my worries and my fears upon Him. I pour my sadness and heartaches to Him as I cry out to Jesus. I laugh, smile, sing songs of praise and worship with a heart filled with gratitude. For He has the attributes I am seeking to know. I think we are never fully "filled". I think the reason for this is for us to continue to seek. When we seek out the words of Jesus. When we seek out His holy and divine spirit. We feel connected, complete. If we step away the longing is there, the void is not filled.
My heart is heavy with self doubt and worry these days as we navigate the world of anxiety, depression, OCD and even ADHD with my my son. I spend a lot of my time just exhausted. Some days I just want to keep my head on my pillow and slam that dang alarm clock into the wall. I want to hear it crash and shatter into a million little pieces, because that is what I am feeling inside as we tredge new uncharted waters with my baby boy. Yet, each day God brings something to the surface that brings a glimmer of hope. A shining moment that is filled with joy. He is helping me to blindly walk the path alongside of Him.
Thank you Jen for writing your words down. You have no idea how desperate I was to read them. I didn't realize how a book could impact my now. And I am so grateful to be able to see some stuff in a new perspective. I have learned more in depth of the characteristics of MY God. And I am glad you listened, when He told you to speak. (speak, write...same difference!)
Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC's 16 CFR, Part 255: " Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and testimonials in Advertising") Many thanks to Propeller Consulting LLC for providing this prize for the giveaway. Choice of winners and opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation. I did receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.