less is more

A hiatus!

4:14:00 PM

Bonjourno, everybody! Ever feel uninspired? Like you just need to back away. Slow down. Breath? Life has been nutso. And when I say nutso, I mean finding 10 minutes where you have nothing scheduled or that you have something you don't have to do is extremely hard to find! So, I took a few weeks off. I felt bad the first week as I had a ton of stuff lined up and was really excited to show you/teach you etc. But by week 2 (when we were hit with yet another round of the stomach bug) I felt relieved. Not that I wasn't blogging...but that I know you will not look down upon me for being imperfect and needing to take time for myself. I did a few guest posts here and there, but it felt kinda good. You see in the big bad world of blogging (its actually an amazingly fabulous world...seriously the most amazing support system!) you have the tendency to feel the need to "keep up with the Joneses". I am trying to move past those feelings and know I can take baby steps and that is just fine.

I am reading a book called: Your Beautiful Purpose by, Susie Larson. I did something even crazier and joined a book group with a few of my girlfriends from church. These women inspire me. The uplift me. They make me feel...like I am doing just fine in this world. I think as moms, wives and even friends we tend to come down on ourselves. "I didn't spend 2 hours reading my bible today. Looks like a 1 way ticket to hell for sure." "Oh look at them, they went to Disneyland. Again. I need to make time to take my kids to Disneyland." "Wait, your kids going to how many Summer camps? Should we be doing that?" Can I be honest for a second? I have even missed out on 3 weeks of book club! Oh, and we meet every other week! Since Olivia turned 1, I am seeing my children grow up faster and faster than I want them to. Don't get me wrong, I am super excited for the next phases in life. But I am also starting to miss some of the milestones we have surpassed.

My goal the rest of Spring and as we go into Summer. To spend more time with these faces. To put the phone down and pick up the camera more. Step away from the computer and instead do more crafting, splash in more splash pads and to make more memories.

Make more time for coffee dates and share REAL LIVE lol's. Take the kids to the beach and spend more time with my parents on the farm. Do a little camping, teach the kids to fish.

More squirt gun fights and lots of time spent with friends. Big and small. The smell of the bbq and the taste of the smores. Relishing in the world around me.

What are your goals this Summer? What are you most looking forward to? I can't wait to share some of our experiences in the days to come! Have a blessed day!

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