Book review

His Grace is Enough - Review

12:00:00 AM

You know what is amazing? Having a friend whom you absolutely adore ask if you could review a book they have written. Not just any book, but their very first one! At first I had the inner panic attack of "what if I don't like it?" "what would I say?!" In this case, I shed tears. I nodded my head as I swiped through the pages {I read it on my iTouch!}. I even took notes. When I put it down at the end I was like...wow. My friend. She wrote this!

Where do I even begin?

First off, I have had this book in my hands for about 3 weeks now. I was supposed to have written a review for her 2 weeks ago. I got half way through the book and my life as a wife, mommy and small business owner spun me around. I read more than half of the book within 45 minutes. That is HOW good it is! I haven't finished a book in probably 3-4 years. I am not exaggerating! I felt really bad that I hadn't written this post and tonight I sat back and reread some pages and then finished the book in its entirety. But you know what? I think it was a God thing. Not an "Aleisha you have slacked on your obligations" but instead was "there is a reason I am finishing it at this very moment" thing.

You see this book is teaching you to turn to God for comfort when your feeling downtrodden. I am paraphrasing a favorite quote from the book: Just because were Christian, doesn't mean we have to put on a happy face and pretend that nothings wrong in difficult situations. I have always lived by this motto, as I feel like God uses our low points to bring rainbows to others skies. If we were only showing how "perfect" our lives are to others no one could see us at face value. Instead others would start to resent us. How can we use our trials to help others if we do not share with others?

Another quote from the book was "God is only a prayer away." Jaw dropped, mouth open. Can I get an AMEN SISTA?! This was an AH HA moment for me.

If you have followed me a while then you know the ordeal I overcame a little over a year ago. 12 hours after my c-section with Olivia Joy I suffered extreme blood loss. The type where they don't have time to rush you to an operating room so they instead start working on you in your recovery room. Paul described it as a scene from a horror movie. Through the hours they worked on me, I prayed every moment that I opened my eyes. I wouldn't let them take Livy from my arms as I wanted my focus to remain on WHY I was here. WHY I was pleading with God to stick by my side and help me to raise my new addition, and the 3 more that were excitedly waiting for us at home. I have never felt more close to God than I did in those moments. I felt his presence upon me. If you are a non-believer this may sound weird, or your thinking "That was the drugs talking." God was helping me to not have fear and to trust in HIM. Just like where I opened up the book tonight it says "God has a plan, even if we don't wanna hear it (or see it)." Do I think God planned this? Absolutely. You know why? The bible tells us that he has every moment of our lives planned out for us. This moment drew me closer to God, closer to my husband, closer to my children and even more closer with my family and friends. I have a completely different outlook on life than I did before.

The last few days I have been struggling. Last week I started having severe cramping (TOTAL TMI!) to the point I would rate it a 6-7 on a scale of 10. My biggest fear is a post hemorrhage happening. As I have friends that have had it. There was nothing added into the mix other than pain and emotions. The pain strummed up the feelings I have had from the year before. I think God delayed my reading of the end of this book for this very reason. When I opened up to the spot I left off of...I was reminded by his Grace. I need to move forward. Do not be like Lot's wife and look back.

I would give this book a 15 out of 10 stars! I loved it. From the stories that were shared, the bible versus that accompanied each passage and the practical steps and questions for you to ponder. This book makes me extremely excited for whatever Kelly writes in the future!

You can order your very own copy HERE. I really hope you do! Have a blessed day!

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