
Tooth Fairy Pillow - Tutorial

12:00:00 AM

The much anticipated tooth fairy pillow. Well...anticipated by my sweet love! I started the process in November! NO it will not take you 3 months to make. I am just a procrastinator! I figured I had time started a bit and then the night of BAM. No fuss, no butts no coconuts. This mama finished in the nick of time!

I first started out with sparkly thicker felt that I found at Joanne's craft store. I free handed a tooth shape and then using embossing thread I made the face. Simple. yet cute!

Now this is where I got all technical and stuff...OK. Not really! I laid the tooth out on the fabric to what I thought would be a good size and used my scissors to cut the fabric! I then pinned the tooth into place where I wanted and sewed it on (DON'T forget to back stitch!) leaving the top open to act as a pocket.

I then folded the opposite ends together and stitched (again don't forget to back stitch!). Cutting the edges with my scissors to make the pillow get the pointy edges!

Sew the final portion of your pillow leaving enough space for fingers to make their way to stuffin'! And like a broken record...don't forget to back stitch!

Make sure you have cut your corners and then let your partner in crime fill her up. I just used pillow stuffing from Joanne's. We have a few bags of it we keep on hand for projects. Emily Grace enjoyed being a part of the process.

When the pillow is filled to your liking you are going to do an invisible stitch (tutorial HERE). And your pillow is finished. Because Emily Grace is known for her big hair bows we decided we had to add one to her tooth as well!

I used thread to attach to the tooth and then sealed around with fabric glue so that it would stay in place and not fall off when little fingers tug. Growing up I had my own tooth fairy pillow and now my daughter has one that she helped me make and design. It will be something she can pass on one day. OR recreate the memories with her children! Have a blessed day!

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