
Tooth Fairy Door - Tutorial

12:00:00 AM

The time is approaching where for the first time EVER...the tooth fairy will be paying a visit to a very special little girl! Emily Grace is about to lose her first tooth! In anticipation for this gynormous moment I wanted to make the experience as magical as possible. Good things come in small packages! I searched on Etsy for Tooth Fairy Doors and discovered they range from $28-$35. Being a mama of 4 I was none to pleased with this result and new I could make one and this way I can ensure every detail is to my liking!

Unfortunately here in Oregon we do not yet have a Hobby Lobby. We do have one being built and you can bet your bottom dollar I will be there opening day! I LOVE me some Hobby Lobby! I blame it all on my Aunt in Missouri for giving me my first "taste"! Luckily you can order online. I remembered after visiting a few years ago they have an entire section to build doll houses. Small furniture. Small animals. Small accessories and yes...small doors etc! I found the door for $8.99 HERE. I went with the 6 panel door but they have a few other choices as well. I didn't want the "door light" above as I wanted the magic behind the door to stay hidden. The door knob was found HERE for $4.99 (you get 2 in this package) and then the door knocker was HERE for $2.99. Add in the 40% off one item it made it shipped to my house roughly $20 and arrived in less than a week. I had the paint already and the spray sealant I used to make my wood "shiny". I made sure to paint while not a creature was stirring {not even a mouse}.

I added 3 coats to both the moulding and the door. I used my blow dryer in between layers so I could finish in one night as I have been worried my sweet bug will lose her tooth beforehand! When I added the 3rd coat and blew dry so it was fully dry...I sprayed with a Rustoleum brand gloss finish spray sealant. This way it was shiny and looked more authentic. I let dry fully in a hidden spot and then the next morning snuck it inside and used E6000 glue to attach the door knob and knocker. The key I did not bother with!

I was giddy with excitement at how it turned out! I wrote up a note using a 7 font in a word document that I tied with sparkly twine I found in the $1 spot at Target. Here is what my letter read (if you find it hard to me and I can send it to you!):

Now I must apologize for the bad photography job! Trying to be sneaky and taking photos AT night using your flash in a dark room is not easy! So the quality is not up to par! To attach the door I thought over different sealants. One thing I debated was 3M strips as you all know I love those. But I wanted to be sure it was "friend" proof as well as childproof for my own children. I ended up going with:

I bought a new tube from target for under $3 that I do not have to use the darn caulking gun (he and I butt heads!) and I am so happy I did! It went on easily and adhered to the wall perfectly. Thank you to my friend Julie for the suggestion!

Be sure to cover all edges and I wanted the door to stick nicely to the wall and not be tugged open! I attached like so...

All while sugar plums danced in this ones head next to me! Sneaky sneaky!

I placed the note above the door and she of course found it first thing the next morning! She was very excited to read it aloud to all of us. We plan on selling our house in the next year or 2 and I figured we will have a NEW door magically appear in the new house. In each child's room as they are about to lose a tooth. If your child has already lost a tooth and you are really wanting to do this your note from the tooth fairy instillation crew mention that they had been on the waiting list and they are sorry for the delay. Perhaps you moved, you can say that the door was lost in the move. I plan on getting moss and stones to decorate around the door a bit. Use tiny Christmas lights to hang over the door for the Holidays. And possibly make a little burlap wreath! Whatever I can to make our fairy feel welcomed! Have a blessed day!

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  1. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Tooth fairy kit

  2. This DIY Tooth Fairy Door project sounds incredibly creative.
