Baby book

Like Chapters in a book...

10:03:00 AM

Watching your child grow up is like reading chapters in a book. From the moment they are born through each milestone they make its like reading into the crevasses’ of someone’s life. Looking at a tree stump that has been cut down and counting the rings (hopefully that is not just an Oregon thing!). I have been putting it off for a while…but last night I sat down with my eldest’s baby book. Some of you are like baby what…oh yea that thing I wrote two pages in and put down. Not me. I am slightly a nut and I have it all neatly filled out except had a few last pages to fill in and then over the holiday I will add the remaining pictures before I place this coveted book of milestones into her memory bin. 

As I filled in the last few pages it really hit me. My BABY is not…a baby anymore. She has grown into a lady before my very eyes. She is majestic, sweet, tender hearted and oh such a blessing to her mama. God knew what he was doing as he formed each and every tiny hair on her head. She is piece of pure perfection, hand crafted by the absolute best.

I watched her this morning as I fed her baby sister. The “middles” were crowded around her like they so often are and she was reading to them. She could have been spending those moments before school doing something for her but instead she was looking after the flock. And they soak in every second of it.

When we arrived to school, we were waiting in the carpool lane and we hugged cheek to cheek as we do every day. I told her little things about her that I love; telling her to have a blessed day. She smiles as she climbs out of the swagger wagon (remember I DO NOT drive a van!) blowing endless kisses to me as she walks. The cross walk lady knows I like to watch my baby walk in so I sat there…she walks along the edge of the curb…like a gymnast on a balance beam. But then she falls. Her bag is so heavy that it swung to the left, swung to the right and like a bad pitch. She fell to the ground. I sat in my car hand clasped over my mouth holding myself back from jumping out of my car to her rescue. That’s what I do. It’s my job to protect her. Kiss the boo boos and send her off with a smile. I fought the urge and sat there. She got up. She was smiling and she brushed herself off. Just like that before me stood a lady. My little girl is growing up.

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