Incomplete Magazine

Its just me...

12:00:00 AM

This weekend I had the honor of being photographed by the extremely talented, genuinely awesome, sweetheart of a gal behind the lens of Motormouth Studios. Something big is in the works starting in 2014 and I am honored to be a teeny teeny tiny part of it! I will share when it goes live! But in the meantime go HERE like the page and keep close watch. This girl is going to move mountains and she is showing the beauty that lies within each one of you. Her vision is radtastically amazing. I am super duper beyond excited!

I laughed when Macey was taking my photo. I said "Just don't ask me to be sexy...cause I don't have a sexy bone in my body!" Which of course made us both laugh! If you are in the Portland/Metro area you should check her out! You will adore her. I am smitten! HERE is her Facebook page as well! In the meantime...have a blessed day!

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