Amanda Lynne Designs

Fall Mug Exchange

12:31:00 PM

You know me and exchanges! A whole lotta fun!! I just can't resist! Its so much fun shopping for someone else! The sweetheart I had gave me the following info: Lover of all Jesus, Coffee addict, handmade items and anything vintage! Of course her Instagram account was set to private so I couldn't spy! When I read her "likes" I thought well golly...she sounds like me!! I really hope she likes her package!!

Have you SEEN the coffee mugs they have at Target currently?? I was planning on buying one from Anthropology as we know that's my go to place for coffee mugs! But this mug caught my eye and they have SO many more cute ones there as well! I bought her some hand towels that I have on my want list! Are they not just the cutest things ever? A journal with a vintage feel a pair of earrings from my shop, coffee flavored chocolate and of course...a gift card to Starbucks! I had to go back 3x to my Starbucks as the machines weren't working correct so they were unable to load the gift cards! I fell in love with this mug shaped gift card!! SO cute! I haven't received mine yet but have been scoping out the mailbox daily! I cannot wait! I hope you are all having a blessed day!!

Thank you so much Amanda over at Amanda Lynne Designs for setting up the fun!

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