
Fall Themed 3rd Birthday party

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I have to fess up to something...I procrastinated this year due to sickness in our home (thank you back to school cold for wiping out our entire household for almost 3 full weeks!!) I felt so horribly that I had to force myself to prepare my sweet Mushy's 3rd birthday...literally days before! Thankfully I had my trusty little black notebook where I write/draw out all my ideas! We had SUCH a great time! I am very happy with how it turned out!

I ran about 100 different ideas by my 3 year old and when she agreed to a Fall themed party the ideas were easy! My sweet friend Andrea actually thought of adding the owls in and I am thrilled with her suggestion! I didn't want a traditional orange, brown Fall party. But instead wanted to bring in lots of bright colors with turquoise, pink and yellows.

I coupon-ed my table cloths and got them 100% free! The pink party plates were on clearance at Target for 59c each pack! The little pumpkins I found at Joannes on clearance and the leaves/acorns we had so we tossed them around the table. Ava Faith found the glasses at Target and we decided to use those instead of party hats! They were so funny to see on the kids! I bought toss and go cups from Target and instead of using the straws that come with them used fun paper straws. The lanterns were a Michael's find and bought fake candles at the Dollar store. Ava Faith found 2 different owls on clips that we attached to each lantern!

The little containers holding snack mix (gummy worms, teddy grahms, kettle corn, candy corn and animal crackers) were in the Red Spot at Target (did you know its not called the Dollar spot?!)

I found tissue paper at World Market in orange and Tiffany blue that I made the hanging puff balls out of. The fanned out circles I used a special Martha Stewart tool from Michael's which you would use to make cards! Attached is sparkly "3" stickers. I hung from the ceiling with bakers twine. I bought the log for the cake stand from Michael's (They are $14.99 and I used a 40% off coupon) The moss table runner was also from Michael's ($7.99 and again used a 40% off coupon) I found the pumpkin glass dish at Target years ago but see them every year! I LOVE it! I use it every year!! The dip is Pumpkin Dip that you use apples to scoop it up...my fave is actually dipping pineapple in it! SO good! In the pitcher we served Honey Crisp apple juice that I put ice and cinnamon sticks into! We had mason jars on hand for adults to drink from! The cupcakes are homemade. I used a box of chocolate cake mix and I add a small box of chocolate pudding (dry...just dump in and make cake batter normal!) then made homemade chocolate frosting. The paper cup liners are from Joannes and they have so many different options its incredible!

AND NOW...the moment you all wait for...the cake! I was really worried when I went to my normal bakery I use (Lambs Thriftway in Wilsonville, OR) and my cake designers were not there!! You see, I am a snob and I only trust 2 people to make my cakes a reality!! They exceed my "plan" every time! I am so blessed to have Gus and Ryan share their talents with me! I wanted Tiffany blue, pink, chevron print a realistic owl with a bow in her hair (my girls ALWAYS have bows in their hair!). I wanted it to correspond with the Fall theme but be girly and sweet too. The cake even had sparkle too it! Its PERFECT! Tasted delish! We went with lemon poppy-seed with raspberry filling for this one...and I am sure you are dying to know just as we were, what the owl is made of. Are you ready?! CAKE! Can you believe it?! White cake with butter-cream filling! It was divine!

There you have it! A Fall themed birthday fit for my princess! Each guest took home a pumpkin as a party favor from the "pumpkin patch" out back! We played toss the ball into the pumpkin (which became stand over the pumpkin and drop the ball inside!) and had a grand time playing in the leaves! Our craft was decorating little cardboard pumpkins. It was simple, completely stress free and just perfect! Have a blessed day!!

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