
Super Hero Dinosaur themed birthday party

12:00:00 AM

Leave it to my kids to when asked what theme they would like their party to be...they choose 2! Well, originally my little man chose 3 but I told him 2 was all mama could handle! Normally I take a bit and really sit and plan the whole thing out...decorations, food...the whole mamba jamba. But this year, that just wasn't possible. So I planned his party a week in advance! If I can do it...you can do it to! To save myself some time I sent an "event" invite through Facebook. Due to the size of parties we normally have, the growing capacity of our house hold and the small sardine like living space we coral in...we had to start letting our kids invite just their friends only. This is still a hard lump for me to swallow!

For the header of the "event" I simply took my super hero out to the front porch. Stood on a chair and snapped a few simple shots looking down at him! I then went to Picmonkey (where I edit ALL my photos!) and under "crop photo" I cropped it down to the facebook timeline size (now you see how I do my header as well!) I also made an actual invite...which I to be honest never got out in the mail! BUT I will print one out for his baby book...last section of the baby book {sob}.

The week of his party I had a baby shower (hope to show you soon!) and orders galore for Bliss Baby Designs. So I had to get crafty...quick! I posted out on my Get er Gone site an ISO (in search of) for old comic books...emphasis on CHEAP! I lucked out and a sweet gal sold me 3 of them for $1 each. They were from the 90's so they had a nice aged look to them as well! AND she was nice enough to go through and make sure I got the ones with little to no guns in them! Talk about a super hero!

I used the comic books and made an easy bunting to hang up above (its now going in his room!) I simply punch holes in the corners and strung bakers twine through it! SO easy! I found pictures on pages that I liked the most before cutting. I couldn't find poof balls pre-made in the colors I wanted so I made my own using tissue paper. Its really simple...take an entire package of tissue paper (use higher quality than dollar store!! Trust me!) fold it accordion style. Then cut you ends at a point. Wrap wire around the center of it so it is nice and tight and then you will slowly pull out sheet by sheet the paper till you have a perfectly round poof ball! I found the dino sign at Target in their red spot up front for $3! The balloon wreath was from one of my best friends! She said "why make it, when I already have!" I love her! I then made signs up on Picmonkey (a closer look at the one on the wreath is below) and stapled them on here and there!

I bought striped scrap book paper from Michael's as "place mats" for each spot. Used dinosaur napkins and super hero plates. Blue mason jars as glasses with fun paper straws found at Target. Party hats from Target, Super hero suckers (tootsie pop...make a paper cape and cut out a mask from shimmery sticky foam paper!) a super hero tattoo and everyone's favorite...the Super Dino's! Noah and I found the fabric at Joannes and simply KNEW we had to do something with it! I then got the idea to make capes for each dinosaur! I searched high and low for dino's and then a friend ordered them for me off of Amazon. We had them in 2 days! I eye balled cutting caps and they turned out fabulous!!

 I kept the food simple this time since we were having a 2:00 party. I found spider man fruit snacks (that was a given!), I made a dip and had chips. And then Noah's favorite snack mix (has animal cookies, goldfish, teddy grahams, pretzel sticks and more mixed together!) We served the snack mix on spider cupcake liners! I used the comic book to attach a bit to the candle holder I used for a silverware container! Found a dino table cloth and behind the cake I took shoe boxes...covered them in black construction paper and made yellow "windows". To give it that comic book flair!

I found a really great circle cutter made by Martha Steward at Michael's that made cutting things SO much easier!!

And last...but not least...the cake! As you all know if you have seen any of my other parties I use the same cake designers ALWAYS! Gus and Ryan have been with me through the long haul! From engagement, to wedding to everything in-between! They are so used to us coming in for cakes that they know WHEN to expect me! I love that I can take my ideas into them and they turn them into artwork! I absolutely love them! And their cakes taste delicious!!

The party was simple, yet fun! We had the kids play outside at the beginning of the party and then brought them inside for snacks and a craft (I found wooden dinosaurs at the Dollar Store they decorated with puff balls, glitter glue, crayons, googly eyes and stickers). Ava Faith is already counting down the days to her party! I think they had fun! Have a blessed day!

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