between friends

Idea's that Blossom

11:41:00 AM

I am preparing for Olivia's arrival as you know. And in the preparations I am going through all areas of my home and wanting to purge or get rid of items. BUT. I am a wuss. And when I say that I am a wuss I mean that I am scared of people on Craig's List! Did anyone else see the movie "Craig's List killer"?! Ummm...no thanks! Because of this I decided I would start a group amongst my FRIENDS and FRIENDS OF FRIENDS only on Facebook! I named it "Get er' Gone"! I will tell you...I started this private group on Wednesday and we have grown to 367 members and counting! I have already sold 2 items on there. One person's junk is another person's treasure! BUT by keeping it to friends and friends of only...we would only invite people WE would trust into our "circle" and therefore can feel confident accepting a check. Having someone come to our home etc! Another friend has already made close to $300!!

Here are a few tips for you if you decide to start a group of your own:

Create a set list of guidelines in advance (feel free to copy mine!) this way there is no confusion in the end!

**When posting items -
  Please be sure to write the amount, your location, details (i.e. condition of items, non-smoking etc) and post a picture or collage picture. Please try and only upload 1 picture for your item (you can make a collage of the pictures on www.picmonkey.com for FREE if you have multiple shots to show!).

**What items can I list? Items DO NOT have to be baby/child related! Think household, everyday etc too

please put "Sold Pending pick up" and then remove the item once picked up!

**What areas is this group for?

This group is from NW Portland to Canby and spreads out to Clackamas and then Beaverton ONLY. If you are outside of those areas please be sure you are willing to meet the person purchasing as this group is for local only! { I would create areas that YOU would be willing to drive to or your friends would also! }

**Can I invite people to this group?

YES! AS long as they follow the above guidelines by all means!

**Baby items

If items are recalled or expired PLEASE DO NOT TRY AND SELL! If a car seat has been in a car accident etc...we want our babies safe! Its our #1 priority!! Please double check recall/expiration before listing baby items!

**Is this group Private?

YES! This way we don't get random people one of us DOESN'T know...it would lose the entire point of this group...so we are not dealing with Craig list crazies and can feel confident and comfortable when purchasing/selling out personal items!

**One Week

All items will be kept up for 1 week only and then will be deleted. You CAN re-list the items but this will clear up unwanted items etc so that we make sure that everyone's listings are getting a chance! AND it will help to determine if prices should be changed etc!

Invite your friends and explain to them what your group is about and what the purpose of your group  is for!


List your items and enjoy! In my group I also created a few other documents: one that lists local places you can donate your items (charity and or faith based places) as I know I would rather give my items to a friend or someone in need rather than taking to Goodwill! Another document created is one for local consignment (like baby sales, resales etc!). And then lastly, a document with Mom Shops. So if anyone of the ladies has a business they can list their info for others too see! I love supporting local OR moms just like me!

My favorite part about the group already is that its a friendly, easy going atmosphere. We can list anything from refrigerators to baby shoes! Its nice to not be limited as you never know who out of your friends etc maybe interested in something! And if someone is looking for an item in particular they write: ISO (in search of) and then the item! I found 3 pairs of Salt Water sandals for my girls! 2 of which will be too big yet for Mushy but for $5 a pair I couldn't pass them up when they are my all time fave kid sandal!

Make sure you have fun with it. And keep the group private so you feel confident and comfortable within your "circle"! Have a blessed day!

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