Bzz Agent

Review on Green Mountain Fair Trade Coffee

8:47:00 PM

SO excited that I was able to try Green Mountain Coffee's FAIR TRADE kcups for my Keurig machine! {Compliments of Bzz Agent} Now you ALL know how important coffee is to me! Well now I can make a great cup of coffee and support farmers and communities who NEED the help! To find out more about fair trade coffee go HERE You can also find a money saving coupon on your next box courtesy of Green Mountain Coffee!

 Lets just say I was unable to drink more than a cup or two because my husband got to it FAST and loved every last drop!!

Wanna hear something even more cool for you?! Not only can you read up on Fair Trade BUT if you do not have a Keurig machine then you are in luck! I was given an entire booklet (20) of coupon codes valid for online at Keurig! The coupon saves you 50% off of a Keurig Kcup or Vue machine {expires 10/31}!! THAT IS INSANE!! Where were these coupons when I bought mine?! BUT you better act fast! I only have 9 codes left as I opened them up to my Facebook fan page and Instagram first! Our Keurig machine is a staple in our house! It basically has its own shrine set up!! Have a blessed day!

{all opinions are solely my own and I was not paid to do this review. I was given in exchange for review free product by BzzAgent}

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