
Java Java Java

12:00:00 AM

I was "mug stalking" on a hash tag for the great mug swap of 2013 on Instagram a few weeks ago {blog post Thursday on what this is!} and another mama had this amazing little corner she turned into a coffee corner with a tray and all of the coffee necessities on it. I literally thought GENIUS...I am TOTALLY doing this! So I searched through my Get er Gone site to see if I could find anything...low and behold I bought this tray for $3! It was bubbled from water damage and had a few dings here and there but the bones were good! So I bought a can of semi gloss Aqua spray paint and did about 3 coats! I love that its easy to wipe and brightens up my kitchen (perfect for the upcoming drab Winter days that are fast approaching!).

I found the little cream container at TJ Maxx while shopping with my bestie for only $2.99 and its perfect as a simple vase! The little blue jar was $1.49 at World Market, houses our sugar and of course a whisk to stir my creamer into my Mama Bear mug (also found at World Market for 99c)!

The tin was also a World Market find! It houses my K-cups perfectly!! And its pretty to boot! I now have everything I need to make a good cup of coffee first thing in the morning at my fingertips! I literally smile each time I walk past it! Super easy and can easily adapt for most kitchens! Have a blessed day!

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  1. I love it! What a cute idea for a coffee corner! :-)

  2. That all turned out really beautiful! And mama bear and papa bear mugs? Must have!

    1. I bought them at Paper Source!! http://www.paper-source.com/cgi-bin/paper/item/Mama-Bear-Mug/3305.070/439956.html
