Bird house

Bird House stands

12:00:00 AM

An oldie but a goodie I forgot to share awhile ago! Its amazing what you will find when you look at your "drafts"! Remember Ava Faith's shabby chic 1st birthday party I threw?  Well these bird house stands were some awesome decorations I made! I now use them inside my garden planter boxes!!

I took an ordinary Michael's birdhouse ($1 ones!) and attached it to a Dollar Store metal candle holder (attach with E6000 glue). When it dried over night I placed it in a box and spray painted with my favorite Rustoleum Spray paint in Satin Aqua! I love how they turned out!! They were perfect for the party and now in my garden!!

Don't you just love the pop of color in the wine barrel?! I cannot wait for my mums to bloom!

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  1. Aww... I love it! It's really super cute!

    1. The mums are now huge around it and I love it even more!! I need to make more!
