30 day shred

30 Day Kick my buns - 1st weigh in

12:00:00 AM

Well my friends! I have officially survived 11 days of the 30 day shred! You know whats awesome?! I have already seen change AND have lost 5 lbs!!But sadly...all good things must come to an end! I have a pulled tendon on my ankle (I kid you not!) and am now rockin' a gel cast! I asked my doctor how fast I can get back to shreddin' and she told me...never. She said its too hard on my body and instead to return to Pilates and yoga. I am sad! Sadder than you will ever know!! I can say with all honesty I actually liked it. There were days I woke up and said...I DON'T WANNA! But then when I was doing the work out I felt so good after! My momentum increased and I saw results in as little as 11 days! Overall I lost almost 2" around my tummy, 1" around my thighs, 2" around my tush and lost 5 lbs! I have continued my goal of NO SODA for 30 days and although I really want one...will continue that goal! I will also get back into my workouts as soon as my ankle is better! All I can say is...poo! I'm bummed!! Sorry to disappoint! My favorite results I have seen...is the love handles are almost completely gone and the sway to the belly from being pregnant is smoothing out more!! Good luck and keep on shreddin' { even if I cannot! }

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