
FREEBIE by Ink & Mouse

1:20:00 PM

Talk about Be CHRISTmas!! My dear friend Carrie (the mastermind behind the detail work on my blog!) and fellow blogger, mamaprenuer of Ink & Mouse has an incredible freebie printable (gift tags!) she created! All you have to do is go to her blog and print away (she has directions...detailed of course!) BUT I had to share! Here is a sneak peak! She's lovely...no...she's divine...no...this girl ROCKS my world! Love you Carrie!

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  1. YOU are a GEM! Thanks for sharing with your readers... Merry Christmas Everyone!

  2. Hi Leish!

    I just discovered your blog through the hop, I'm now following on GFC and very much look forward to reading more!

    Lauren x
