
Homemade tractor

3:36:00 PM

I cannot wait till this weekend to show you all what I have been working on this past month! My son's 3rd birthday party is ALMOST here!! As most of you know I was given the My Memories Digital Software and then I also did a giveaway for one as well!

Do not fret if you did not partake in the giveaway as you can easily still purchase this program! My friends over at My Memories have also gave as a special to my readers this coupon code: STMMMS23061 (copy and paste this code to avoid typos when using it!) at this link: http://www.mymemories.com/digital_scrapbooking_software and you will get $10 off of the purchase of My Memories Suite PLUS a $10 code for My Memories Store! This code does NOT expire! So if you have a birthday coming up or would like a hint to your hubby! Here you go! The cost of the program is $39.97 before the discount.

Anyhow...I have had SO much fun with this program and in fact decided to play around further for Noah's Tractor themed party this Saturday! This is what I made to attach to business cards for his "party bag" which will be homemade caramel corn!! Tell me whatcha think!! I am SO excited!!

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