birthday gift

Sand on the brain...

9:26:00 AM

Since we just got home from the beach I have been finding sand everywhere! Pockets, suitcases, the car! We had a birthday party yesterday and I couldn't help but think how neat it was to have a Summer party! The ideas for gifts, venues etc are endless! So we decided to get creative with our gift!

I bought this cute little sand bucket in the See Spot and Save section of Target. It has sparkles and everything! I know for my little girl, that's the first thing she notices...sparkles! (or she says "it glistens"!)

We filled the bucket with an activity book (if you haven't done these Crayola books with your 4 year old I HIGHLY recommend them! They are fantastic!), bubbles, water balloons, oh and of course My Little Pony's (Birthday kind!).

Instead of purchasing a card we wrote on the shovel and Emily Grace drew a special picture that we rolled up and placed inside the bucket!

Fill with tissue paper (I didn't realize I was out of girly paper...so this had to do!) and now you have an adorable gift that is 100% usable AND it's easy for your child to carry into the party!

Also, I have a giveaway happening right now! It is for a no slip combo pack made by Bliss Baby Designs! You must be a follower of Britches & Boots and must "like" Bliss Baby Designs on Facebook! Leave your name here or on the Facebook giveaway link! A name will be picked on Thursday evening! Ava Faith is wearing a no-slip clip in the picture below!

Before I end today, a friend sent this video out on Facebook. I will admit by the end I was in tears! This boys voice is incredible (I think he is like 8?!), his love for God completely shines through and he sent chills up my back!

I hope you have a wonderful day! We will be taking care of Bear Bear our now Pirate Kitty (will fill y'all in on him later!)

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