hey good lookin' watcha got cookin'

Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'

8:34:00 AM

As you all know I LOVE me some Starbucks! But money doesn't grow on tree's and unfortunately I cannot seem to get my hands on the magic wallet...you know the one that every time you look in it $$ just falls out! OH and my wand and I are having serious issues these days! What's a sleep deprived, constantly on the go, never having a moment of silence mom of 3 to do?!

Well my friend...we resort to this:

(yes it's pink! I added raspberry!) Homemade Iced Latte!

You first start with instant espresso (unless you have a fancy espresso machine!) I use this to bake with even! Store it in your freezer and it lasts forever!

Follow directions on the container for mixing your espresso and pour over ice in large glass.

Fill just about to the top with milk of any kind!

Now it's time to pick your poison! I usually go with vanilla but decided to try raspberry...next time I will go back to vanilla...ooooh or maybe buy mint! I buy these LARGE bottles of syrup at Cash and Carry for just under $4!! They are like $4 for a small tiny container at the grocery store!

Pour in syrup and mix!

And there you have it people...homemade Iced Latte! I will admit I would gladly accept a Starbuck's if it were to be delivered to me. Or if I had a magic wand that could make them **POOF** appear! But in a pinch and in desperate needs of java...this is my go to drink! Enjoy!

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