
Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'

4:30:00 PM

This is by far the best chicken marinade I have ever had in my life! Yum-diddly-ump-shes for sure! I have the hardest time as almost everything contains soy and since I am allergic makes it really difficult to find suitable options!! The home style fries have been a hit around here as well and make a great pair with the chicken (and good ol' Bush's Baked Beans...of course! Who has BBQ without them?)

You are going to mix all of the following into a medium sized mixing bowl...make sure your chicken is thawed out (I use boneless/skinless chicken thighs...they stay juicy and hold in the flavor really well!)

5 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. dried basil
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 *heaping* Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar
2 *heaping* Tbsp Olive Oil

**(when I say heaping I mean while I am dumping the measuring spoon into my bowl I am still pouring!)

Add your chicken and let sit in the fridge for a few hours or if you are like me I forgot to marinade it early so I did mine just before dinner...oops! you can make and let it marinade over night and let really soak in the yumminess! BBQ till fully cooked and serve!

This chicken is great chopped up and put on salads...I tend to not use dressing when I do it this way.

For the home fries preheat your oven to 525 degrees (yes you read that correct!) you will cover a cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray with oil (I use good ol' Pam!). Take about 4 or 5 russet potato's or 7-8 red potato's and wash thoroughly. Cut them in half length wise and then slice into 3 pieces (so each potato you are getting 6 fries) length wise.

Toss into a large bowl. I pour in about 2-3 Tbsp of olive oil and swish it around pretty good. Mince 3-4 cloves of garlic, 1/4 tsp pepper, 1/4 tsp course salt (we use Kosher Sea Salt), and 1/2 tsp of paprika. Toss till coated evenly and spread onto cookie sheet.

Place in oven and bake 20 minutes. Be sure to flip your potato's about 1/2 way through. This way each side gets cooked evenly! When 20 minutes is up I like to turn my oven to broil and get the outsides just slightly crispy! Yummy!!

As you can see I couldn't even wait to dive into my plate of yummy-ness before I took a picture! Happy BBQ'n! In fact we are off to BBQ with friends now!

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