japanese gardens

Wednesday Memory Maker

3:53:00 PM

Today is a down pour. I mean wear your rain boots, have your jeans tucked inside the boots and you STILL get your feet soaked kinda day! Here in Oregon we have only had glimpses of what spring is like. For those that have started to plant their gardens they end in a soggy mush...that is why I have procrastinated and am waiting (or is it cause I haven't had time to weed the garden beds?!).

But really, the days that we have had to enjoy the sun I have been taking FULL advantage! I have a friend who is new to the area. Funny story actually of how we met. I was in the hospital having my newest addition Ava Faith! Jess just happened to be one of my nurses! We hit it off and have been friends since! Anyhow, back to my story she hasn't seen a lot in the Portland area and it's wonderful cause I get to take her along and experience those things with her and with my kiddos!

We found out that you can get a Cultural Pass from our local library and were able to get 2 adults and 2 children in FREE to the Japanese Gardens. If you have never been I HIGHLY recommend going! There is beauty and tranquility all around you. If you have small children you must remind them they have to use their "indoor" voices and I would go during the week! The garden's had a scavenger hunt where they each picked out a prize at the end (when you return the pencils of course!) and it made a much for fun experience for all of us! 

The kids had a great time exploring and their most favorite thing to watch was the "deer chaser" which is a rain fountain...thingy! Very hard to explain, but very relaxing to watch!

When we were finished with the gardens we had packed a lunch and decided to eat in the lawn of the Rose Garden's which is just down below the Japanese Gardens. We packed a blanket, sunscreen and a few balls and ventured off!

The kids had a great time, we girls gotta chit chat and watch the cute adorable older couples picnicking with their bottles of wine and old fashioned picnic baskets (I have never yearned for a picnic basket more than that day!) There was no equipment for the kids to play on, just a relaxing enjoyable adventurous lawn! What a perfect afternoon!

What memories did you make today?

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  1. Very cute pictures! Hello! I am stopping by from the Terrific Thursday Blog Hop! I am your newest follower! I cannot wait to read more! I hope to have you stop by and follow me back :)

  2. Why thank you! I followed ya back!! I am doing a segment in July on couponing!! I teach at my church with our Women's Ministry *It's called Frugal Farmgirl!)!! CUTE blog btw!! I love meeting fellow couponers!!

  3. Love your title and your little ones are adorable! I am following from the buzz blog, hope you'll visit!
