3 into 1 room

Kids Room redo - before

12:00:00 AM

I have been on a blogging hiatus as I have been working like crazy on combining these 3 looney's into one bedroom! We currently own a home that is a mere 1230 square foot with 6 homeys living inside. We are overrun by little people! But I wouldn't have it any other way! Our plan is to sell and buy bigger down the road but we want to make sure we are able to buy exactly what we want. Not just settle. So being the insane person I am I have to create a space that is comfortable and appealing for all of us. I am all about utilizing every inch of space I can...but also not wanting to feel like the walls are closing in on us or cluttered!

Since Livy Joy was born she has been in our bedroom. But alas...its time for mama bear to be able to regain some sleep. I have tried to combine the squishy Mushy and our little boo bear. But. It wasn't working out so well! The squishy Mushy was turning into a sour ::{grouchy}:: dill pickle with being woken up so much at night. Lets just say...age 3...the joys that come with age 3 AND her not sleeping. Is any moms nightmare! To top it off, I was not enjoying the fact I couldn't use my glider to rock Livy back to sleep. I begged my husband to let me buy a bunk bed for the big kids room and we could store their beds (we LOVE them!) until we sell our house and then combine the big and the middles together. He said... "If you can find a bunk bed under $200. Then yes." Challenge accepted!

I found the bed. I came in $0.01 under budget {insert snicker here!} and I have been working like crazy to create the space I have been craving for them. I am loving the fact their room is more open and they have so much more room to play! I won't have an after picture for a while as we are in the throws of it all! I will share the before pictures and let you know I have gone through every inch of their bedrooms and have purged so much! It feels amazing! I am selling some things they don't play with anymore to buy other items I want to finish off the space. And I probably won't sleep much until I have it all just right! Isn't this picture your worst nightmare?! It was sure my nightmare!

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