Beauty from ashes

Random Words of Encouragement

12:37:00 PM

What do you get when you combine my sweet friend Amber and her birthday?! An idea of spreading love throughout the U.S. (world if possible!) My sweet friend, for her birthday (Friday January 17th) decided to try and strum up 100 people to go around leaving post it notes with encouraging words like: Your smile made my day or YOU make this world a better place. Favorite quotes, bible versus ANYTHING positive that would brighten someones day. Currently we have 690 people participating...tomorrow! HERE is my invite to you. Would you honor my sweet friend on her birthday by writing 5 (OR MORE! Up to you!) post it notes and placing them in random places for perfect strangers to stumble upon?! Were planning on heading to Target with 30 post it notes (yep...all 6 of us including Livy plan on participating) and we are going to leave them on doors, on cars, on packages. Anything that sparks our interest. Use the hashtag #RWOE2014 to link up your pictures on Instagram! Would love to see WHO ALL is spreading the love, the sunshine and the smiles! Please follow my friend Amber's blog and have an extremely blessed day! Remember TOMORROW January 17th we want to spread the love one post it note at a time!!

(green shows States people are signed up to participate from!)

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