hey good lookin' watcha got cookin'

Hey Good lookin' Watcha got cookin'? - Taco Salad

12:00:00 AM

A meal that I can get everyone in my family to eat { SHOCKER ALERT } is ground turkey taco salads! I know I have mentioned before we have allergies in our home. My eldest is lactose intolerant so this is one of the few salads that she can eat and that she loves! My 2 year old is beyond the realms of picky and she devours this without hesitation!

I used to make it with ground beef and the flavor was a bit strong for my liking. Went to a friends house for lunch and she turned me onto ground turkey! Been a fan ever since! The great part about this recipe is its simple. You can do a fridge emptying at the end of the week to use veggies before they go bad. Work around veggies that are fresh from your garden or plan in advance! I buy ground turkey whenever I find it on sale and stock it in the deep freeze in our garage! I have found I can get it around $3.99 per package. Ground turkey comes in 1 1/2 lbs per package!

First off start with your greens. Chop any variety of lettuce into a bowl. I grate carrots, snip chives if I am out of green onion (I grow chives year round and love the light flavor), slice radishes and then store in the fridge till ready. This is usually always the base to my salads I do the next steps in separate bowls this way my family can pick and choose what their favorites are!

Cook your ground turkey until fully brown. I season with Crazy Mixed up Salt (I use it on all my meats, potato's etc! You can find at World Market and Albertsons). When cooked through add in 1 1/2 packets of taco seasoning (or a heaping 1/3 cup if you buy yours in bulk at Costco like me!). Add in 3 - 1/3 cups of water and let simmer on low till fluid has cooked completely into the meat.

Slice up your toppings. This time we had cucumbers and cherry tomato's fresh from the garden. Sliced olives, mushrooms and rinsed black beans (I cheat and used the canned kind!). Grate cheddar cheese, crunch up tortilla chips and the kicker is...

Homemade ranch dressing! Anyone else get one of these bad boys from their mama's when they moved out into the big bad world?! If not I will make you a sandwich to go with your jelly! (1 packet ranch mix, 1 cup milk, 1 cup mayo...best foods {Hellman's} is the best!! Shake well and refrigerate 30 minutes before using)

 Its a meal that I feel confident in letting my kids choose their own toppings! My lactose intolerant daughter can eat a salad that doesn't HAVE to have dressing and it makes great left overs too!!

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  1. Another great option for taco salad is Catalina dressing. I make a yummy taco salad with taco meat, Catalina and Doritos (oh, so super healthy!) and it's way yummy! It's a potluck standard here in the Midwest!
