bedroom redo

Room reveal

10:04:00 AM

Well everyone! The time has come! To share my FINISHED room with you all! You saw the before pictures HERE and have seen a few of the items I made for my room but how about the finished project?! I told you all that I was on a budget! We budgeted out for paint and the furniture which we purchased at Ikea (I LOVE it!). Anything extra I sold items around my home or in my room to be able to pay for.

First off when you walk into my room...you will notice that I repainted the walls AND the moulding! Goodbye wood moulding! I do not miss you! I used paint from Valspar (carried at Lowe's) and was highly impressed with them! I have always been a Kelly Moore Paint snob and unfortunately we do not have them in Oregon any longer so had to find something new! I tried lots of paint samples from various places and the quality and lack of smell from the Valspar Ultra paint and primer was unbeatable! It took a gallon and 1 court of Egg Shell based in the color Fountain Mist (I used my paint from my bathroom which is called True Turquoise and decided I wanted a light version of it so the rooms would flow nicely together!). The moulding (only took a quart and we have PLENTY left!) a Semi-gloss in the color Bistro White. In the picture above you will see that I added a mirror to my door ($5.99 at Target IN store...noticing online price is WAY higher!). And the picture above our door says Aleisha & Paul always kiss me goodnight. My sister special ordered it from Walmart of all places!

OH how I LOVE my new dresser from Ikea! I for once in my life can easily open a drawer and have LOTS of extra drawer space! It is a women's dream! (link to dresser is HERE) The green vase on top I already had and I bought the white decos you see at Ikea as well (HERE and HERE) One holds a votive candle and the other is holding some primroses!

 My desk I purchased at Ikea and it saves me 6" in both directions! I cannot tell you how HUGE of a difference that actually is! I love this desk (found HERE You will notice that we built our hutch to have the shelves on the opposite side)! Its not gorgeous by any means but when we added the hutch on top we have so much room that it decluttered our entire desk area! Drawers and shelves galore! The down fall was our printer no longer fit our desk so we bought a larger shelf (HERE and the brackets are HERE) and it now holds my Silhouette Cameo and the printer! Its really nice to have it out of the way since they are both not used regularly! We got rid of our folding chair (or shall I say retired it to the garage with the rest!) and purchased a new desk chair. (HERE) It has made a huge difference for comfort as we sit!

I LOVE these little storage bins from Ikea!! They are magnificent!! (found HERE) The little glass jars I had originally found at Anthropology for $10.99 each. I wanted them SO bad but could not for the life of me chalk up the dollars for them. To me $33 for little glass jars to hold staples, change and paper clips didn't make any sense when I was on a budget. Low and behold. I went to Michael's Craft store and was walking around and what to my wondering eyes did I see?! YEP! Identical. I mean totally identical little glass jars for $3.99 each! I combined with a 50% off coupon and the rest is history! I love them! We had to get rid of our desk calendar as it was too large. But the back of the hutch is dry erase and magnetic! So I now have my lists and a small weekly calendar attached!

My desk feels uncluttered and organized! The shelf on the top of the hutch currently has empty picture frames that I will add pictures of Olivia Joy into!

We used the nightstand I already had (we purchased at Ikea and I no longer see it online) and the lights we had purchased years ago as well from Ikea. The star I purchased used and painted it the same white I used on the moulding! I paid a total of $5 for the star!

As you know I made the headboard (tutorial HERE) and I bought all new bedding! The bed skirt was $27 from Target. The throw blanket was $29 from Target and the duvet and 2 pillow cases that match were from Ikea for $39 (no longer seeing on the website). The throw pillows we already had!

My poor dear husband has a very small space in between the wall and the bed. We had a plant stand as a night stand for many years but I was sick of killing myself every time I made the bed as he leaves his books and magazines on the side of his bed! Solution? I had a friend of ours that is a builder and does an amazing job with making furniture build me a shelf from scraps he had from his own home remodel! I painted it myself with the Bistro white I used on the moulding! (took 3 coats) I also bought a small basket from Ikea to hold all of his randoms at the bottom of the shelf!

I love how bright and cheery my room is now! The curtains clashed with the paint color and the moulding we had in here before and I honestly cannot get enough of my room! The shelf I bought at Ikea (HERE) It contains adorable containers I found at Target to hold all of Olivia Joy's items! Clothing, diapers etc! It is PERFECT! Since this picture I added 1 more thing to it.

Isn't the chevron basket PERFECT??! I love it! It now holds all of Olivia's blankets (and as you can see we have officially filled the baskets!)

That's it! That's all she wrote! I find my room to be so cozy and its such an oasis for me! I now officially have room for the co-sleeper and we can move around freely without bonking into each other! Also the furniture we chose has a wide enough space to vacuum under the furniture! HUGE for me!! Its amazing! Now all we need is our 6th addition to our household!!

Have a blessed day!

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  1. Such a beautiful color--and everything else turned out great too! Love your desk area and the hoops :)

  2. Your room looks so good! I love the redo! :-)

  3. It looks so beautiful! I love that dresser, too! :) Nice work...I always love to see budget makeovers!

  4. LOVE this! You did such a great job. Now I want to re-do my room!

  5. Love it! Want to come do my room? My whole house needs serious help! I can pay in cupcakes. ;)

    1. HAHAHA! Just reading this! Will work for cupcakes!
