
Where have I been?!

7:41:00 PM

Well...I have been a painting machine! I kid you not! I am now working on the fun aspects of the bedroom and am enjoying it...but must saying waiting till you are almost 33 weeks pregnant to do all these projects. Probably not the best idea I have had to date! Mama is beat and everything goes at about a snails pace these days! BUT...slowly I am almost there! I hope to have LOTS of new pictures to show you very soon! In the meantime thank you all so much for being amazing readers! I adore you all so much!

 { This is what it looks like when you are living AND working on a space at the same time! Its chaos!}

{ This is my new bedding (minus pillows!) and the freshly painted walls!! }

{ Here is the new desk and part of the new dresser! }

There you go. A few sneak peaks! I am so excited with each little thing I get finished in here! I have SO much more room I am completely shocked at how much my space has grown by adding/changing things! I sold all my old furniture on my site I started (see the post HERE) and have sold even more stuff around the house that I have been able to purchase even more decorating items etc! 

Yesterday was my birthday! I turned the big 33! Funny thing is...tomorrow I will be 33 weeks! I am a total nerd and I know it! Here is me yesterday! Have a blessed day!

{ Another thing I did...added a mirror to the back of my door! YAY! No more squeezing in-between the counter in the bathroom, the door and the wall! No sir! I am big time with my $5.99 Target mirror! }

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  1. Can't wait to see the big reveal!! (Oh, and we have that exact same dresser (Ikea, right?!), but it's the short, wide one.) Hang in there and be sure to rest up! Happy belated birthday...again. ;)

    1. YES! Ikea! LOVE it! Thank you so much sweetie! SLOWLY but surely I am getting it all done! About to go stain boards now! CAN'T WAIT for this reveal!
