chalkboard paint

Be CHRISTmas - Naughty or Nice deco's

12:00:00 AM

Do you ever go walking through the craft store...something catches your eye and you think to yourself I MUST make something with this!? NO?! Awwww...come on! Sure it does! I fell in love in the wood section of Michael's!

It was super easy to create these Naughty or Nice plaques to hang above each stocking and I adore how they turned out! The best part is I had most of the stuff on hand already! Here is what you will need:

I used black chalkboard paint and did 2 thick coats (letting each dry in between) I made sure to keep my brushstrokes going the same direction.
Once dry I took red satin ribbon and cut into 20" strips. I burnt the ends with a lighter (to seal the ribbon so it wouldn't fray). You will need 2 ribbon strips for each plaque.

I then flipped the DRY plaque upside down and hot glued the ribbon down on either side of the back of the plaque. I was thinking originally of using the staple gun but we own 3 and all I could locate were the staples!
Then you will make a bow tying both ribbons together. I snipped the ends to make them pretty and then burnt them with the lighter again to reseal. You are now ready to hang them above your stockings! The kids love them because we can write with chalk and change them up if we like...I was thinking of using them in correspondence with our Elf Snowflake!
Don't mind Snowflake...she was trying to fish for Nemo! Kids were like NO Snowflake! DON'T catch Nemo!

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