
Clothing swap

3:41:00 PM

I dunno about you { uhem...fess up! } but I have (or now can say had!) mass amounts of clothing in my closet that I never even looked at! I actually collected dust on some! NO joke! Now that is pathetic! Items when I pulled it out you have a completely confused look on your face like...huh? Or items you wore once but it was your "I look good in everything I put on" goggle wearing day?! No? No one?! Guess its just me! I had Nike shoes I bought...got knocked up (thanks Paul!) and then they never fit right so they got one or two uses out of them! I tried to sell them in a garage sale for $5 and people were trying to bicker me down to a $1 THEY WERE $80 dollars people! I am NOT selling them for $1! To tell you the truth I was all around sick of the garage sale, consignment shop route. Period! Its a headache to sit and price each item out. Only to have people bicker you down from 25c Not worth my time anymore. Mind you I am normally the "I will save it for the next sale" girl. Did them annually. This year was the first year I did not! As you know I have been selling kid items at the Just Between Friends sale. Those items make good money. BUT for some reason my Banana Republic, Ann Taylor and Gap just does not! What the hay hole Batman?

I had an epiphany { Enter God } I had been praying for Jesus to interfere into my life. Now this is going to sound downright nutso...but I really think that he was telling me to do...well what you are about to read! I sent an email out to my girlfriends. Not all just a few handfuls. This is what I said:

" Hello sweet friends!

I had an epiphany today and you guys may laugh as its clothing related! A few of you know that I am really trying to be more intentional heading into this holiday season. One thing that came to mind as my hubby FINALLY went through his ½ of the closet (like I have room to talk…I pester him yet you should see mine!) is that we have so much STUFF! Clothes, shoes, purses, scarves etc. Usually I have a garage sale and I take the time to price everything, put it into neat piles that strangers come and trash and then they bicker down the pricing and it’s a hassle. I usually make about $15 from my personal clothing as the only thing anyone really buys is children’s items! I then box up my items and save it for the next year or I take it to Goodwill…well this year I am done doing that! I realized as I found an ENTIRE bin (the size you could store like 3 children in…that big) of MORE clothes (not including the heaping stockpile in my closet!) that I really need to just get my friends together and have them take what they want. I don’t need it. I mean who really keeps pj’s and tee shirts with tags still on them…me! Umm…who knows how long I have had them! Or shoes that are brand new but you realize don’t fit your feet right so you never return them…me (seriously I have 2 pairs of Nike's that way! Sickening really!).

I wanted to see if you girls would want to join me? Go through your closets, garages etc find all your gently used women’s clothing, shoes, accessories and at the end of November we will meet at my house…do a pot luck style noshing session and just have fun together going through and swapping clothes etc. It will be very casual and relaxed so no need to dress your best...this girl will probably be rockin' some mighty fine yoga pants!
Afterwards I plan on taking everything *obviously ONLY with your permission!* to Divine Threads which is run by a dear friend Kathy…the clothes that will not work with her ministry I will then take to the cold weather shelter for the homeless at my church. (We just finished constructing a HUGE warming facility that is hugely beneficial to our community…we feed, minister and warm those in need. We give them information on ways they can get help…and we listen.) With your help…we can touch the lives of others and have fun at the same time! It’s amazing what an old sweater of ours can do for someone else!

I love that we are all different sizes, shapes and have different clothing styles! I am a Banana, Gap and Target junkie! So I am sure we would all be able to find something we would love! I will NOT be offended if you do not want to join in! But please RSVP YES…you are in and then I will work on a date with the “in’s” for the end of November (after Thanksgiving!)
Have a blessed day!"

It was that easy!  I sent an email and it rolled itself into place! We set it up that we would come casual for easy trying on. And that if their name fell between yadda and yadda they were to bring a drink, appetizer or dessert! This way we could do what girls do best...gab...eat...and shop each others wardrobes!

Not gonna lie...I scored some pretty rockin duds! I was pretty stoked (in fact am wearing a shirt I got from the swap as I type!) The great thing is: we came out with new stuff for ourselves. We cleaned out our closets, dressers and even bins in the garage! AND the best part...we have 4 HUGE bags getting donated to awesome causes! I can't wait to deliver them!

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  1. I've read on other blogs about ladies doing this. It's an awesome idea. :)

  2. I love this idea! I'm thinking of maybe trying this in my area!
