8 weeks pregnant

Goodness. Gracious!

12:00:00 AM

Well good golly Miss Molly! This pregnancy is kicking my buns! Literally! I have never ever been so sick in my life! I am taking zofran during the day and then promethazine at night. I was to the point where I would wake up at about 3 a.m. and have the urge to get sick...without even MOVING from my bed! It was horrible and miserable. I would love to say that with the medication I am feeling fantastic, glorious, glowing and up to par. But...I am not! Yesterday was my Aunt's wedding (well techniquilly she is Paul's aunt...but family is family and she is MINE!) and we got all dressed up for the adult only event (see pic above) I felt great. Sore, slightly nauseous (which is the norm these days) but when I got home I fell asleep on the couch watching a Hallmark movie (really bummed as I wanted to watch it!) and when I woke back up I felt great. So I thought to myself, I will try to skip the nightly "anti-get sick" meds and just go straight to bed. BAD idea...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bad idea! Today has been horrible! I spent the morning praying to the porcelain God's...which meant we couldn't go to pray to our #1...the big man Himself and spent the day at home. I was so sick I was unable to keep the medicine down! YIKES! I am still not so hot and its been more than 12 hours!
This week I will be 9 weeks! I had an impromptu ultra sound last week due to a spotting scare which praise the Lord turned out to be NOTHING! YAY! I was able to see my "wittle cookie" on the screen heart beating at 144! It was amazing! I have the scheduled u/s this Thursday when my hubby gets to have a meet and greet with our little fella! I am 115% positive I am having a boy! In fact, I will be completely shocked if come December when we find out the sex they tell me I am having a girl! I was shopping with my baby sister the other day and we met someone who was also pregnant...she said WOW...how far along are you? I told her 8 weeks. She went...your HUGE...I'm 6 months! lol!
This picture was 7 weeks! Add a few inches to it! Due to being so sick and not wanting food (not normal for me...I LOVE food!) I have lost 5 lbs. I am smaller than I was when I got pregnant with Noah! lol! Yep...he was #2! Needless to say because of my current situation of feeling completely horrid I have been slacking in the blogging department and also with listing new items to my shop! I must apologize! I have ideas GALORE running through my head and when it comes time to walk to my bedroom and turn on my computer I shudder at the thought of NOT laying down! I pray you can all forgive me! I am sad to say its amazing how something like this can affect those that follow you! Still a novice to the blogging world its such a bummer to notice you have lost the interest of some followers when you yourself are feeling your worst. To those that have stuck with me...from the bottom of my heart (and my wittle cookies!) thank you! I adore each and every one of you! Whenever I recieve a new comment on a post I literally grin from ear to ear and want to shout from the rooftops! YOU brighten my day and I am so blessed!

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  1. girl, you are ADORABLE. seriously. and i am loving your bump! glad everything turned out well and i'll pray for relief from all the sickness. no fun.

    1. Thank you sweetie!! I am ready to have some relief!! xoxoxoxox

  2. Congrats! So excited for you and your family!

    And, in other news... your blog is up on the Portland Bloggers Master List. Thank you for adding it!

    1. YAY! So excited! I had NO clue which category to list myself under! So feel free to place me where you see fit! Thanks so much!!

  3. I'm so sorry you are not feeling well! :( I love your blog, especially since I am a fellow Portland area girl. I pray that you will start to feel normal again!

    1. YOU are such a love! Thank you so much!! Means the world!!
