
Punchin' Martha Stewart style!

12:00:00 AM

So I was chatting with a friend one day about how I make my own earring cards and that I have the worlds BEST hole punch (well technically its called a "screw" punch!) and its from Martha Stewart's line *you can find it HERE*

This thing has been a lifesaver and I absolutely adore it! I actually saw it while watching a Christmas special of Martha (go figure!) and She showed how you could punch in the center of the paper...my jaw at that moment DROPPED to the ground and I had to have it! To my great pleasure my dear sweet love of my life got it for me for Christmas! It is easy peasy to use! As you can see from the pic above it comes with 3 different punches and they store in the end part of the punch (it unscrews) and then you just screw one into the bottom!

I hand stamp my tags and then I make two punches for my earring cards for my Bliss Baby Design's business! I always put a cutting board below my item I am about to punch. Then I use the smallest punch and put in place...press down and VOILA! It's done! Do it again on the other side and I have myself a homemade earring card!

Think about all the possibilities with this puppy! From scrap booking, card making to even making your Christmas cards and being able to put a cute star brad at the top of your tree! It's wonderful, its amazing and duh...its made by Martha!

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  1. omg. I need that now. I use the end of a compass or a needle or anything I can find in a pinch but that 'screw' punch is calling my name!!

    1. LOL! That my friend is hilarious! YES!! You DO need this! It is AMAZING! Awesome! Brilliant! Exactly what I have needed for eons now!! xoxox

  2. omg. I need that now. I use the end of a compass or a needle or anything I can find in a pinch but that 'screw' punch is calling my name!!
