Coffee Grounds

K-cup gardening!

12:00:00 AM

So I had an epiphany while I was making my cup of coffee this morning! I have a friend who doesn't like the Keurig's because of the waste it makes. That basically each and every K-cup is getting thrown into our landfills. I think about this as I make my beloved cup of jo and today I thought...hmmm...what could I do to make this situation BETTER so I can still recycle more and also get the added benefit of using this so easily?!

Well...K-cup gardening came to mind! WHY do we have to throw our empty K-cups in the garbage? In fact, using coffee grounds in your garden is beneficial to the plants and the soil! Did you know that?! For one thing, the coffee grounds are acidic which makes for great slug & snail deterrent all the more eco-friendly way! I hear it needs to be caffeinated but am unsure if this is true or not! I have also heard of people watering their plants with cold coffee which also helps! But lets get real here...WHO has a cup of cold coffee lying around?!

Also, if you pile the coffee grounds around the base of your plants before the first real freeze...it will help to warm your plants, will prevent mildew and give your plants a nice boost! Did you know that coffee grounds are full of calcium, magnesium, potassium and more? It also contains nitrogen! Phew...there is some science for you! Using coffee grounds around Azalea's and Rhododendron plants will help boost blooms and it promotes healthy growth in plants!
See where I am going with this?! I found a super cute tin...ok so it was filled with Irish Oats. We ate the oats BUT I did in fact buy it for the tin! It's been sitting empty and I figured what a great place to hide/store my coffee grounds! They are by the single cup after all!  

I used a paring knife to open the K-cup once it was cooled down. I dumped the grounds into my tin.

I then pulled out the filter from inside the K-cup (easily pops out!) then all I had was the tin lid and the filter to throw away! I then rinsed out the plastic K-cup and put in my recycling bin! Voila! Coffee grounds nicely hidden for my garden! AND I feel less guilty! I do know that Oregonians are weird about recycling (I HATE THE SLOGAN "Keep Portland Weird" btw!) BUT, I hope some of you outside of our State can get some use from this too!

Have a blessed day!


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  1. Great idea! Found you via the blog hop---and looking forward to reading more:) Come check us out at http://www.thechirpingmoms.com!


    1. CUTE blog Julie!! So nice to "meet" you!! I hopped over and followed ya!!

  2. Such a great idea!! If I can ever talk my Hubs into letting me get one!! I will definitely start K-Cup Gardening!! Going to pin this for sure!!

    1. OH EM GEE Heidi!! HE HAS TO! lol! I finally got mine this year and we are saving SO much more $$ only cause I would have a cup (or 2) a day and then the rest of the pot would go to waste! AND I like foofy drinks...and the hubalub does not! lol!!

  3. What a great idea! I'm going to start doing this pronto! I found your blog through the blog hop!


    1. YOU my dear are adorable! LOVE your Friday Letters!!

  4. If the filter is paper, you can compost it! :)

  5. What a cute blog name ;)
    Stopping by from the GFC hop. Love for you to return the follow when you can.

    I am hosting Like Me on Facebook. Love for you to link up your fan page when you can ;)
