Artisticsoul Designs

Proverbs 31 Mama-prenuer Spotlight - Artisticsoul Designs

12:00:00 AM

Today I am thrilled and overly excited to share this mama-prenuer with you! Her name is Sharon and we met about 4 years ago just before I joined the Mom's club! She has always been so kind to me. Has great advice and a very sincere heart. If I have a problem, she is always one of the first people to respond and offer advice or let me know how she can help. When my daughters school recently burnt down she jumped to action and made 6 aprons with embroidered names on each one...for my daughters teachers! When she came to drop them off (like 3 days later!) she took the time to teach me how to do an invisible stitch while I was ferociously sewing bean bags...for the first time EVER! She is a sweetie and I just adore her! Without further ado the lovely and talented Sharon....! Oh and one more thing...her beautiful head shot was done by another Proverbs 31 Mama-prenuer who owns  Amanda Metz Photography Without hesitation she spoke up when Sharon said she needed help! That is what I love about our group! If you are a mama-prenuer (even if you are in the making!) or a female blogger come check us out on Facebook!


Hello everyone!! My name is Sharon and I am the mama-preneur behind ArtisticsoulDesigns. I’ve always been one of those over-achieving, type A personalities so it’s no surprise that I started my first business when I was 7 years old! I picked sweet peas from our yard and made bouquets to sell at the bed & breakfast next door. Later, I graduated college with a degree in graphic design and advertising and jumped head first into my career. Now, I spend my time juggling my family, volunteering at my son’s school, and running my business! I have a spunky, redheaded nine year old son, a spastic Boston Terrier and a wonderfully supportive husband to keep me on my toes. Life is good!

Looking back, it’s kinda funny how this whole thing has taken on a life of its own by evolving from hobby to business. It all started when a friend invited me to sell cards and paper crafts at her holiday Open House. From there, I slowly drifted away from paper and toward fabric. The learning curve was a bit steep, but as I taught myself how to sew my hobby grew. Before I knew it, I was sewing for friends and family, applying for holiday bazaars and ultimately opening an Etsy shop.  Now, five years later, I feel like a seasoned veteran. Sewing is so fun and versatile, the possibilities are endless!

Artisticsoul Designs is all about creating uniquely handmade accessories for women, children and your home. From purses to tooth keepers to tote bags, my shop is always evolving with the needs of my family and customers. The true test is this: if I don’t find a product useful, I won’t carry it in my shop. It’s as easy as that! I would love for you to join my Facebook fanpage or check out my Etsy shop...go on, you know you want to!   

Of course, as with any business, there are highs and lows. For me they often come from the same source: custom orders. I absolutely LOVE creating something that is tailored to one of my customers! It’s a challenge at times to source fabrics and materials that may not be my taste, or to take last minute changes to a project. In the end, its worth all the hard work to see the joy my work brings to my customers! All in all, the best lesson I’ve learned so far is to resist the urge to say, “No!” when someone asks me if I will sew for them. It may sound odd, but that is often my first thought. I have made some great connections with people through my craft, including connecting with distant family members! From Halloween costumes to baby shower gifts, my repertoire is growing by the minute.

I’m often asked what I see for Artisticsoul Designs in the future and I have a hard time answering. I love seeing my business grow! It would be a thrill to have my crayon roll ups, aprons or purses selling in local boutiques. But in the end, I want to maintain the integrity of my brand: handmade craftsmanship. With this model, my growth is naturally limited, and I am OK with that...besides what would I do with myself if someone else was making my products for me?!?

I would love to pass on some savings to you! Through Monday, I’m offering 25% off my whole Etsyshop, just use coupon code BRITCHES25.

OK isn't she incredible?! NOW comes the cool part...she is giving away a customized purse of YOUR CHOICE! This means you will get to choose/design your purse fabrics etc with Sharon! I am green with envy right now! How cool is that?! No hurry up and go enter this fantastic giveaway! You have till the end of Monday the 23rd of April to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. My favorite is the bag you have listed (the one above) and the Samantha bag.

  2. LOVE the Little Chef Apron and Hat Set! SO cute and great that you can customize it for a little boy or girl ;)

  3. I love the Daisy apron, and the purses are really cute too!

  4. love the green bag, your are very creative.

  5. I like the aprons and the Samantha bag. Tip -- add a picture of what the inside of the bag looks like, too.

  6. Thanks for donating to our preschool!

  7. Love, love, love yhr apron and chef hat! I would wear that!!

  8. I like the Green Fields Wallet Business Card Holder and think that fabric would make a cute purse/bag :)

  9. Awesome Sharon! I have had a similar experience getting started with what I might cal the snowball effect :). Your stuff is awesome! Love the green bag! I'm pretty sure I bought a crayon roll from you at the moms club bazaar. It went to Mexico with us! So cute and useful! Keep it up girl! Best wishes!

  10. Very exciting and generous giveaway, I love your work and will follow your instructions to enter to win :) Please keep us posted of what you're up to on Shop Sherwood :)

  11. Beautiful, Can't wait to see what you dream up for me. :)
