Consignment sales

JBF Sale update

1:16:00 PM

Yesterday I told y'all about the details behind the Just Between Friends sale...well...day 1 is over and they posted our "sales" and what WE will get a check of! I am pretty happy with the day 1 results and we still have till mid-day on Sunday! Also, after deliberating with my dear hubby and chatting with my girlfriends I decided to cancel my shift on Sunday! I am feeling the stress seep away and it feels WONDERFUL! BUT I wanted to share the pic I took of my computer screen! Now I TAGGED 229 items, 5 items were rejected due to stains (seriously microscopic stains!) and I sold on day 1 61 items!! Honestly, if you are wanting to sell your kiddo stuff...I think this is the route to go over garage sales and consignment stores! It lasts 1 weekend, you make the prices and then YOU get a check! Seriously awesome!

Again, totally NOT gonna lie here...it takes WORK! And I found it stressful. BUT in the end I already have doubled (more than if you count what people purchased at my house before the sale!) what I was hoping to make at the sale! I am so excited and will start working on the items I need to get for the kids for Summer! YAY! Paul was pretty thrilled too...I told him to not get TOO excited as the $$ is my spending $$! lol! I did all the work I now get the freedom to shop! I am addicted to shopping for my kids...but on a budget! I know how to work my sales and am a Gap, Gymboree, Naartjie & Old Navy fanatic!! I am doing a happy dance over here!!

I might add, I have hardly sold anything under size 2t!! I did sell some bedding, Bjorn potty chair (brand new!) and a few of the baby clothes. BUT it is mainly the bigger kids clothes and shoes that have done really well!!

Hope this is helping y'all in some way!

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