
And the winner is....

10:56:00 AM

OK so I am loving rafflecopter the giveaway program I started using! It is SO easy to use and its linked to random.org so all I do is press a button and it draws a winner! Voila! Easy peasy puddin' & pie! And the the winner of the My Memories software is:

YAY! Congrats Dara! I am so excited and you are going to LOVE this program! So easy to use and there is great online (Facebook) forums whenever you have questions!

Are you bummed you didn't win? NO worries cause...my amazing sponsors  you can easily still purchase this program. My Memories have also gave as a special to my readers this coupon code: STMMMS23061 (copy and paste this code to avoid typos when using it!) at this link: http://www.mymemories.com/digital_scrapbooking_software and you will get $10 off of the purchase of My Memories Suite PLUS a $10 code for My Memories Store! This code does NOT expire! So if you have a birthday coming up or would like a hint to your hubby! Here you go!

EVEN better...WOW are you sitting? My Memories was recently featured on The Balancing Act on Lifetime (click to watch the video!). Because of this they are offering up a FREE 20 page 6x6 Photo book (you pay shipping) when you go HERE!

Enjoy y'all! Have a blessed day!

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