Proverbs 31 Mama-prenuers

Proverbs 31 Mama-prenuers - Spotlight with Bananafana Baby

8:13:00 AM

Today I am thrilled to introduce you to a friend of mine that I have known for almost 8 years! She is so dear to me and such a wonderful person to be around! She inspires me and cheers me on. She is kind hearted, genuine and I am so excited for YOU to meet her! Here she is:


Hello mama-preneurs! I'm Kara, a sing in the car, find a reason to celebrate, make up a soundtrack to life, kind of stay at home mom. I'm the second of five kids, so I'm a little addicted to busyness and chaos. Almost six years ago I married a kind, gentle, brilliant chef (score!) named Jon. We have a four year old son, Jackson, who loves to laugh, is constantly trying to defy gravity, and who loves mud and lip gloss...go figure! When he was born, I decided to quit my day job to stay home and go back to school to get my MBA.
Well, I graduated last spring, but was reluctant to jump back into the work force.  Sewing is my hobby and my favorite way to procrastinate all through grad school.  When I graduated, I came up against the dilemma: go get a “real” job, or pursue my passion for creating.  I took a chance on myself and started my little business, Bananafana Baby.  I make baby shoes, applique shirts, nursing covers, baby leggies, and more! (Check out my etsy site! I also have a Facebook fanpage I would love you to come visit!) My favorite part of my business is seeing the looks on people’s faces when they love a product!
  Bananafana Baby is all about creating playful apparel for little monkeys.  So, my products are made with comfort in mind and using funky, fun fabrics.  I’m also committed to sustainability and have started incorporating re-purposed materials into my products (for example, ALL the leather I use for soles is re-purposed from leather jackets!).

I’m only about a year into my business and it has been fun, frustrating, scary, exciting, and very rewarding!  A couple months ago I started looking around and realized that I know LOTS of moms who are doing the same thing I am: working hard to care for their families AND pursing their passions as a way to contribute to their households.  Although I knew you were out there, we didn’t have a good way to meet each other, support each other, ask questions, form partnerships, and network!  So, I came up with the idea of creating a community to do just that!  With tons of help from the wonderful Miss Aleisha, the Proverbs 31 Mamapreneurs community was born!  I am so inspired by what everyone in the community is up to and the ways that we are contributing to each other.  I am super excited about what else we will come up with to support each other, get our businesses out there, and give back to our communities!
I’m offering a promotion this week with the idea of giving back to my community in mind! I’m offering 25% off everything on my Etsy site  until Monday.  Just use the code:  MAMAPRENEURS. But, there’s more!!!  For every pair of shoes purchased from now until Monday, I will donate a pair to Northwest Children’s Outreach. So, you get a discount on some pretty fun stuff (if I do say so myself J) and needy kids get to have warm feet.  It’s a win-win!!
ALSO…I’m giving away an adorable pair of baby leggies!  They are grey with neon orange tigers on them (they are my favorites!)  Perfect for infants all the way up to preschoolers!! 

All you have to do is:
1.      Follow Britches and Boots Blog (of course J)
2.      “Like” my Facebook page
3.      Then comment on this post saying you’ve done so.  You get extra entries for sharing this blog post on Facebook!  Just put a comment for each post you do!
Good luck!
BTW…All these gorgeous photos are by fellow Proverbs 31 Mamapreneur Michelle of Casual Camera Photography!

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  1. You both are SO talented! I can barely sew a button on a pair of pants! ;)

  2. aaf of britches and boots of course hehe :0)

  3. new fan of bananafana baby :0) addorable stuff :0)

  4. posted link to blog on my fb page :0)

  5. Can't believe I hadn't "liked" Bananafana Baby yet! Great job ladies!

  6. I liked bananafana baby on fb! :)

  7. I like Bliss Baby and Banananafana.
    I love all these creative moms and their ideas. Such talent! You ladies rock.

  8. REMEMBER you MUST follow Britches & Boots in order for your entry to be valid!! We will double check later! <3 Leish

  9. I am so excited to see some PROVERBS31 mamas making stuff happen and showcasing their God given talent <3 I follow Britches and Boots and I liked Bananafana Baby :)We love some leg warmers over here!

  10. And the winner is.... Carleeh!! Congratulations! Please email your address to me at and I'll get those shipped!

    Thanks so much for everyone participating! The 25% off my shop is extended through this Wednesday, so go check out my etsy shop!

    <3 Kara

  11. Her shoes are THE BEST ever!! I can guarantee that! My kids wear them with pride! (along with the leggies (both my 16 mth and 5 year old!), and oh so much more!)
