February photo challenge

February Photo challenge Day 6 & 7

9:56:00 PM

Last night I went to dinner with some pretty special friends of mine! OK so it is a mom (who is also my discipleship mentor!) and her two gorgeous girls (one of which babysits my kiddos) and the other who is my fave barista at Starbucks AND I am doing her jewelry for her, her bridesmaids and of course the flower girl! Seriously they should be called family (we dubbed me an honorary daughter last night...cause I am cool like that yo!)

No but really...I was going to take this fun picture of all of us at dinner. And. I forgot! No joke! I came home and went AW CRUD...may have said different words but I will keep my post PG 13! So instead...I took a picture of my dinner AFTER I got home! Works right?! So here is day 6: Dinner

And then today's challenge was "Button". I honestly had 50 billion ideas for this one! I am a button fanatic! BUT I figured this one was my best choice:

I was trying to feed Mush some food this morning. She was getting mad! Each time I tried more she would get more and more frustrated! SO I was pushing her "buttons"! HA!

Tomorrows MAY BE challenging! It's Sun. Which is usually a rare anomaly this time of year in Oregon! We have had some gorgeous weather the past 2 weeks...but on my way home from work tonight. It was sprinkling. I may have to get creative here!

I have to say I am NOT regretting doing this photo challenge one bit! If you are new here and are wondering what in the world I am talking about please go HERE!!

I was going to do a recipe tonight. But my dear one is asleep (snoring) behind me! Because of this I am typing in the dark and cannot really read the recipe all to well! I will share it tomorrow! It is a recipe (tweaked a bit) from someone I adore!! Let's just say its WAY too yummy for words!

Have a blessed night and and awesome morning! I have my God Spa after carpool and I can hardly wait!!

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