February photo challenge

February Photo challenge Day 4

6:36:00 PM

Today I had the honor of meeting a BEAUTIFUL stranger! My friend Erica welcomed sweet "Tori" Joy into their family last week! I wanted to stick her in my bag and run out the door! I love her SO much!! She stared at me while I rocked her and just watched my every move! She held my finger and my heart melted! I think as a friend its an absolute honor to be able to come into a home (your friends I mean!) and love up on their children the way you would love up on your own. I think that speaks TRUE and perfect friendship. This child is fearfully and wonderfully made and loved by so many already. Thank you Erica for being my "twin"! Love you girlie!!

(7 lbs 7 oz - 19" long Welcome sweet bundle of love! Auntie A loves you already!!)

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