Rainbow Cupcakes

Rainbow Cupcakes

12:00:00 AM

When Emily Grace told me she wanted a Bubble Gum Pink and Rainbow themed birthday party I was GIDDY with excitement! I mean really??! How fun is that! I searched Pinterest and found a cute pic of a cupcake that was light blue (sky colored) with a rainbow candy on top...again NO tutorial! Aaaack! So I made me up myself!

I used Cherry Chip cake mix and Cherry chip frosting! Found the cupcake holders at Micheal's. I made the cupcakes the night before and also frosted them the night before! The morning of I used white frosting and multi colored sour band candy (cut so about 2"...any longer and they fall flat!) I used a decorative frosting bottle and squirted the white frosting down and then stuck the rainbow down...then squirted over the top and made look "puffy" for the cloud! I then did the same to the other side! The candies took me forever to find! I went to sweet factory at one location and they didn't carry them but called another location who DID! BUT I made them and the kids loved them! That was all that mattered!

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  1. These are beautiful cupcakes, Aleisha! We had some similar cupcakes at a recent birthday. The cupcake batter was dyed into different rainbow colors. Thanks for sharing these crafty ideas and I look forward to reading about your felted ball necklace project.
