Missing him...

11:26:00 PM

My husband is 1/2 way across the U.S. and although my house is still full it feels empty. Or maybe its just me? The only words I can use to describe it are: lost puppy! That would be me! I despise to be away from him for more than a day! He makes me heart giddy and puts a smile on my face and honestly getting to talk just a few times in a day is merely not enough!

(my love had a snowball fight...with himself at my parents house over New Years!)

I truly am a lucky girl though! I asked my mother in law if she would want to stay with me and my babies while he was away...I was thrilled to hear her say YES! I know for some people they think...a week ALONE with my Mother in Law...DUM DUM DUM! Nope! I am completely blessed! I truly believe you not only marry your spouse but his family as well! I ADORE my in law's! My brother in laws are my brothers and my married in sister in laws...well they are sisters! We do not need the "in law" title. We are family!

We had Emily Grace's 5th birthday party on Saturday! SO much fun was had, despite the fact I was up till 1:30 in the morning the night before coughing so hard I was sure I was going to crack a rib! You know the type of coughing that you feel like you just bench pressed 200 lbs because you neck and shoulders feel like they are the size of a line backers? I felt HORRIBLE! But I did not want to spoil my sweet angel's day! I squeezed in a doctor apt literally an hour and a 1/2 before the start of her party! I was freaking out as I watched the clock tick on my fancy shmancy phone! Of course the doctor was running late, but when she saw me and asked how the kids were and I said "well, Emily Grace has a party at our home in less than 2 hours" she rushed me through the apt where we found out I have a super bad infection. Although you may not have a stuffed up nose, did you know you can still have a sinus infection? 3 prescriptions later I am still currently under the weather! BUT we pulled off Em's party with out a hitch (will post details later as I have yet to upload the pictures...totally not like me!)

(sledding in my parents driveway over New Years!)

Today was spent lounging around the house. Ugly Target gauchos from 5 years ago and all! I am so glad no one showed up to our house cause they would have gasped at my outfit! Jan was sweet enough to play trains with Noah and push Emily Grace on the swings while I tried to re-coop! Ava Faith spent the day making faces at us and if we didn't give her the reaction she was looking for...well then she has figured out how to scowl which gives her another reaction! We have watched a few movies (Midnight in Paris was good and Arthur was stupid with a few good parts!), caught up on Greys Anatomy, loaded Facebook on her phone as well as Word with Friends (she is just as addicted as I am now and we laid across from each other playing on our cell phones...each other...until 11:45 p.m.!)

I am still not feeling that great and found someone to cover me at work tomorrow night so I can re-coop! I am looking forward to a few more days of laughter, smiles and time spent with the amazing women that raised the best husband a girl could ask for. I normally don't sleep well when Paul is gone, but with Jan here I have been sleeping like a baby!

And who knows...maybe tomorrow Noah will finally decide YES I DO want to potty train (oh had I not shared...we are STILL working on this! lol! He is one stubborn little turkey!)

Make each day a blessed one!

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