
Weekend wrap up

10:57:00 PM

On this Monday afternoon, Labor Day of 2011 we decided to do 1 last Summer hike. Now I know technically Summer is not over until the 23rd, but with school starting it just kinda feels that way. I will admit something to you...you promise not to tell anyone? Fall is my favorite season! The leaves changing colors, the warm breezes with the sun shining. The smell of apples and cinnamon and my very favorite part of Fall...the farm girl gets to seep out of me as I take my kids on a weekly basis to whichever farm will have us! I told my husband today that I look forward to the day we can purchase a wide spread piece of land. Sprawled out as far as your eyes can take you. The gentle breeze through your hair as your bare feet glide across the golden locks of wheat and alfalfa fields. Watching my children as they play in their tree fort and swing on the ol' rope swing. Aaah! Can you tell I miss my farm days?! One day. But for now we enjoy our very first home and I will bawl like a little baby at the memories that have collected between these walls when we do leave! The tree fort...all Paul's idea!

First off I have to share bits of our weekend! We did nothing. I mean nothing on Saturday! We loved every second of it! I enjoyed capturing moments like these:

My mom found this costume at a garage sale for $1! Can you tell who was thrilled? He now says he wants to be Mickey Mouse for Halloween! Well alright then! That was easy!

My son wakes up in the morning just like me! Leave me alone and don't talk to me until I have had my coffee (in his case milk!). But this day I had to laugh cause his hair had a sorta Princess Leia-esc look to it!

During our BBQ we decided to roast smores. My kid...well let me just tell you the boy can eat him some smores! He is a hunka chunka melted chocolate and he had a bath following too!

My sweet baby girl! She just goes with the flow and is like...cool. So happy to be around!

And then my Princess! She thrives when it comes to her friendships! She is a very gracious and caring child and it was so much fun watching HER have fun with her friends!

We played dress up. Made necklaces. Hosted a BBQ for 8 adult friends and had a total of 11 kids! We made the most of our weekend and loved every second! Today topped the list for me! Anytime I can get my family of 5 out of the house. Away from all distractions and reflect on each other. That is a good day for me! God had a plan for me. I know that I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing and I intend to enjoy every second. For each day with my family is a blessing from God. I am so thankful.

Now don't hate me...but the hike details will be coming tomorrow! You don't wanna miss it! We had a great time! And if we can do it with a 2 year old, 4 year old all while mama is wearing the 10 month old then you know you can do it too! (if you are in the area that is!)

Goodnight and God bless!

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