chocolate chips

Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'

3:59:00 PM

I have been dreaming of my Aunt Shari's monster cookies! I haven't had them in probably 12 years but I can taste them...totally not exaggerating (well right now...I am DEFINITELY not exaggerating as I have one in my grubby little hand...mwaaaaaa ha ha!) I was talking to my adorable cousin the other night and mentioned that I would love her mom's recipe...low and behold I came home yesterday and the sparkle to my day was this recipe...the one you are about to embark on right now in my inbox! Lord have mercy it's heavenly!

When you read the ingredients...yes...they are the correct amounts! I called to make sure it wasn't a typo! lol! This recipe makes 5 1/2 dozen cookies (she makes them all and freezes them!) but I cut mine in 1/2 (do note the recipe below IS the full recipe!)!

Aunt Shari's melt in your mouth good Monster Cookies:

Oven temp 350

1 cup Butter
3 cups Peanut Butter
2 cups Brown Sugar
2 cups Sugar
6 Eggs
4 tsp. Baking Soda
1 Tbsp. Vanilla
9 cups Oatmeal
1 cup M & M's
1 cup Chocolate Chips
1 Tbsp. Karo Syrup

Mix the butter and peanut butter together in a large bowl. When thoroughly blended together add in the sugar and brown sugar. Separately beat eggs by hand and then dump egg mixture into the big bowl mix.

Now comes the fun part! Add in all of the remaining ingredients (I saved the oatmeal last so it would be easier to blend!)

This is what your mix should look like when you are finished! Yes...we blended the WHOLE thing by hand!

Drop in heaping Tbsp. sizes onto an un-greased baking sheet.

Bake 10 minutes for softer cookies (light brown) or 15 minutes for crunchy cookies (medium brown)

As my Aunt said in her email message...they are YUMMY!!

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  1. I used to make these when I lived at home. I think the recipe I have might call for some larger amounts on the some of the ingredients. We would also freeze them. When there are five kids, this is a great recipe!
