being thankful

Thankful Thursday

2:42:00 PM

This morning I was very pleased to see my sweet baby girl slept really well last night and didn't wake up until after 8 a.m. (thank you IB Profin and Vick's Baby rub on feet!). She was in a very pleasant mood and so while I finished getting ready I placed her in the notorious Jumparoo! (below is an old picture!)

I all of a sudden hear a "MOMMY, MOMMY...NOAH KNOCKED AVA OVER IN THE BOUNCY". I dropped what was in my hand and went RUNNING! All I could see was two tiny legs up in the air with the entire jumparoo on top of her. Not a peep, I screamed and literally tossed the jumparoo as I snatched my bitty baby up, tears streaming. Looking her up and down as she finally lets out a scream. The morning was spent in the doctors office where she was looked over and thankfully is fine. Other than the cold. Which I might add my hottie of a hubby and myself aren't feeling so "hot" today! Looks like we too will receive the gift of goopiness!

During the waiting period before the appointment I had to stop and thank God. Lord thank you for the many loads of laundry that I have yet to wash and fold. Thank you for the piles of dishes in the sink and the sounds at dinner of  "I don't like that can I have Zert (dessert!) now?" Truly as a mom and wife I am blessed more than I could ever imagine. Life is so precious and we will be moving onto bigger and better things after this life. I may have moments of doubt, moments of guilt and moments of pain. But I am blessed beyond belief.

I have met so many wonderful people. From all walks of life. I have been able to experience love, hurt and pain. But that has just helped to shape me. I remember the verse in Isaiah that says: Fear not, for I am with you. (43:5). Have you ever stopped to think about the things you pray about? I noticed last night before bed that everything I had prayed for was for the benefit of others. All the prayers for me were prayers of thanks. God knows what is in my heart. I may complain cause I NEED JAVA...He is there and He is listening. AND the best part is He provides. So at the end of the day as I pray for my children, my family, my husband, my friends I am so honored to say prayers of thanks. 1 John 4:8 says: God is love. Is that not the truth or what?! John 14:14 says: If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do it. Thank you God for your unfailing love for me. I am humbled and honored to be a child of YOU.

I am trying to bring more of Psalms 118:1 into my daily life: O Give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good. Amen to that! Although I feel yucky. I am wearing my sweats with the lights dimmed, the crock pot going and set up my eldest child with a movie I need to remember that not just Thursday...but everyday I need to be...Thankful. Have a wonderful day and don't forget to ask those you love how you can pray for them!

(while hanging out indoors we noticed the "baby" birds are starting to leave their nests and drop in to say hello! This little guy loves the plant outside our window and we were having so much fun watching him!)

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