crock pot

Hey good lookin' whatcha got cookin'

10:37:00 AM

This is a recipe I snagged from one of my besties Andrea! It's called Easy Crock Pot Lasagna!! And its so delish and easy!!

You will need:

1 lb of hamburger
1 jar or can of spaghetti sauce
1 small container of ricotta cheese
mozzarella cheese
uncooked lasagna noodles (I used about 8)

First off you are going to prep your crock pot (don't forget to use a liner!!). We made this recipe on Saturday before church service (we went to Easter service a day early!) so we could come home to a cooked meal!

Brown your hamburger meat adding any seasonings YOU like. I like to use Crazy Mixed up salt and pepper!! When hamburger is fully cooked, dump in can or jar of spaghetti sauce. I like to then add in Italian seasonings to make it "taste" a little bit more homemade! Simmer about 15 minutes or till bubbly!

Dump into crock pot enough sauce mixture to just cover the bottom of the crock pot. You will then take your noodles (I do have to break mine just a bit to fit them inside) and spread with ricotta cheese and place on top of sauce.

I fill up the layers as much as I can with noodles! The broken ones don't even get wasted! Top with mozzarella cheese and then do another layer! Do this until all your sauce mixture is used up (remember to always END with the sauce...not the noodles!) you will then top off with lots of mozzarella cheese!

I cooked mine on High for 4 hours! It gets all brown and toasty looking on top! YUM! I devoured mine before I could even take a pic! I figured ya'll didn't need to see the inside of a dirty bowl! Enjoy!

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  1. Hmmm I can have meat again so I might just start this today! Try zucchini instead of noodles! yum!
