
To the person who buys our home...

11:23:00 PM

To the person who buys our home,

We have been praying for you. We have prayed over our home and for the perfect person to take on it's memories. These walls you see, they have seen joy, tragedy, heartache. The have been a resting place for tears of laughter and tears of sadness. The hands that have touched these walls, fingerprints permanently engrained into the surfaces.

You see to us, this place isn't just a house. This is the house that built us. From a young married couple who endured heartaches over loss of pregnancies. Mourned together over the loss of a parent. We celebrated triumphs of new jobs. High fived over bills that were paid off. Incredibly blessed to celebrate the birth of 4 of the most precious God given gifts. We struggled through countless surgeries. One of us almost died welcoming our final blessing to our world. And our favorite very elderly pet went to heaven while living here.

This is the house we watched our babies have milestones. They flung food across the counters and down the walls. We played superman and tossed them up towards the ceiling as they screeched with glee. If you look closely, you can probably retrace our footsteps from the countless sleepless nights where we paced in a circle trying to calm sleepy newborns that fought it with every ounce within them.

We were snowed in this house, twice. Once it was so deep it completely buried our car. We had been sick for weeks. Had no groceries. Had not Christmas shopped and we were dirt poor.

We learned to scrape by in this house. Lessons in saving and growth helped us to blossom into real tried and true adults. The countless parties thrown in this home would overwhelm the average person. We filled this place with voices, singing and laughter.

The dance parties, with music blaring. The yard that was once bare, is now an oasis. The herb garden was planted during our first pregnancy. 11 years later, it is a thing of beauty with blueberries so big they could feed a village with just one berry.

Beneath the deck on the play structure is a stump from the tree we cut down ourselves. I will never forget the expression on our daughter's face as she watched it fall to the ground. Pine cones blasted every which way and large holes opened up into the ground. We planted the lilac tree which will be so fragrant and blooms like crazy in place of cutting down a tree.

When the dogwood and camellia blooms you can lay in the bed in the master bedroom and see the enchantment of the blue sky with puffy white clouds and the flood of flowers within your view. It is intoxicating to live here in the Spring and Summer. Take care of our butterflies and hummingbirds. They visit us multiple times a day. Fluttering from one plant to another.

The massive blue hydrangea off the side of the deck was my first Mother's day gift. It was a tiny potted plant that has grown massively over the years. The pink hydrangea up front bloomed for the first time this year. We planted it as a tiny twig, not expecting much but like all things. It takes time for growth and then comes the beauty.

Don't try the cherries out front. I mean, you can if you want. They won't hurt you. But...better yet. Try for yourself! We raised the back end of the property up 4 feet last Summer. It was slanted down deeply and we filled it up and built the kids deck and playhouse. Outback is perfect for water balloon fights, twirling and playing baseball. You can even hit a homerun.

It took me 6 months to decide on the perfect gray for the outside of the house. I spent hours upon hours updating bathrooms, bedrooms, laundry closet and the kitchen. Labors of love with you eventually in mind.

Our time here has been incredible. We have been very blessed and thank God for our time that we have had here. We pray you make long lasting memories in this home. Don't take moments for granted and open your eyes and listen to nature. We see coyotes, deer, raccoons and before we built our new deck we even had a family of skunks decide to take up home at our residence. We were thrilled when the babies got too big and they needed to move on. The morning doves sound like owls and every once in awhile you see hawks and eagles. We will miss our neighbors next door greatly. We have watched their kids grow. We have broken bread and looked after one another and leaving them behind is harder than you will ever know. Sergio LOVES banana bread. And Olivia is a huge fan of apple cinnamon bread. In case you wanna get on their good sides!

We are sad to leave. But alas, we have outgrown our home. May God bless you and guide you on your journey that is filled with life lasting memories.


The Rust Family 

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